GP map analysis {noia}R Documentation

Noia analysis of genotype-to-phenotype (GP) maps in ideal populations


Functions for doing a NOIA analysis of a GP map for LL loci in a population where the loci are in complete linkage equilibrium.


linearGPmapanalysis(gmap, reference="F2", freqmat=NULL, 
                    max.level=NULL , S_full=NULL)



Vector of length 3L3^L with genotypic values for all possible genotypes in the order defined by genNames.


The reference population in which the analysis is done. By default, the "F2" population is used. Other possibilities are "noia", "G2A", "UWR".


For reference="G2A": A vector of length LL containing allele frequencies such that freqmat[i]=frequency(allele 1) for locus i.

For reference="noia": A (L×3)(L\times3) matrix of genotype frequencies such that freqmat[i,]=[frequency(1) frequency(2) frequency(3)] for locus i.


Maximum level of interactions.


Boolean argument indicating whether to keep full S matrix (3L×3L)(3^L\times3^L) in memory or alternatively to keep LL single locus S matrices (3×3)(3\times3) and compute single row and columns of the full matrix.


The algebraic framework is described extensively in Alvarez-Castro & Carlborg 2007. When analysing GP maps in ideal populations we can work directly with the S matrix and do not have to consider the X and Z matrices used in linearRegression. When it comes to the S_full argument keeping the multilocus S matrix in memory is generally fastest for computing all 3L3^L genetic effects. However it does not allow for computing only a subset of the effects and also runs out of memory for L>8L>8 on a typical desktop machine. For S_full=NULL in linearGPmapanalysis a full S matrix is used if L<=8L<=8 and max.level=NULL, while LL single locus S matrices are used otherwise.


linearGPmapanalysis returns an object of class "noia.linear.gpmap" , with its own print method: print.noia.linear.gpmap.


Arne B. Gjuvsland


Alvarez-Castro JM, Carlborg O. (2007). A unified model for functional and statistical epistasis and its application in quantitative trait loci analysis. Genetics 176(2):1151-1167.

Cheverud JM, Routman, EJ. (1995). Epistasis and its contribution to genetic variance components. Genetics 139:1455-1461.

Le Rouzic A, Alvarez-Castro JM. (2008). Estimation of genetic effects and genotype-phenotype maps. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 4.

Zeng ZB, Wang T, Zou W. (2005). Modelling quantitative trait loci and interpretation of models. Genetics 169: 1711-1725.

See Also



map <- c(0.25, -0.75, -0.75, -0.75, 2.25, 2.25, -0.75, 2.25, 2.25)

# Genotype-to-phenotype map analysis
linearGP <- linearGPmapanalysis(map, reference="F2")

# Linear effects in ideal F2 population

[Package noia version 0.97.3 Index]