MAM-class {nnlib2Rcpp}R Documentation

Class "MAM"


A single Matrix Associative Memory (MAM) implemented as a (supervised) NN.


Class "RcppClass", directly.

All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass".



Object of class C++Object ~~


Object of class activeBindingFunction ~~


Object of class activeBindingFunction ~~


encode( data_in, data_out ):

Setup a new MAM NN and encode input-output data pairs. Parameters are:

  • data_in: numeric matrix, input data to be encoded in MAM, a numeric matrix (2d, of n rows). Each row will be paired to the corresponding data_out row, forming an input-output vector pair.

  • data_out: numeric matrix, output data to be encoded in MAM, a numeric matrix (2d, also of n rows). Each row will be paired to the corresponding data_in row, forming an input-output vector pair.

Note: to encode additional input-output vector pairs in an existing MAM, use train_single method (see below).


Get output for a dataset (numeric matrix data) from the (trained) MAM NN.

train_single (data_in, data_out):

Encode an input-output vector pair in the MAM NN. Vector sizes should be compatible to the current NN (as resulted from the encode method).


print NN structure.


print NN structure.


retrieve the NN from specified file.


save the NN to specified file.

The following methods are inherited (from the corresponding class): objectPointer ("RcppClass"), initialize ("RcppClass"), show ("RcppClass")


The NN in this module uses supervised training to store input-output vector pairs.

(This function uses Rcpp to employ 'mam_nn' class in nnlib2.)


Vasilis N. Nikolaidis <>


Pao Y (1989). Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Reading, MA (US); Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.

See Also



iris_s            <- as.matrix(scale(iris[1:4]))
class_ids         <- as.integer(iris$Species)
num_classes       <- max(class_ids)

# create output dataset to be used for training, Here we encode class as -1s and 1s
iris_data_out <- matrix( data = -1, nrow = nrow(iris_s), ncol = num_classes)

# now for each case, assign a 1 to the column corresponding to its class
for(r in 1:nrow(iris_data_out)) iris_data_out[r,class_ids[r]]=1

# Finally apply MAM:
# Encode train pairs in MAM and then get output dataset by recalling the test data.

mam <- new("MAM")


# test the encoding by recalling the original input data...
mam_data_out <- mam$recall(iris_s)

# find which MAM output has the largest value and use this as the final cluster tag.
mam_recalled_cluster_ids = apply(mam_data_out,1,which.max)

plot(iris_s, pch=mam_recalled_cluster_ids, main="MAM recalled Iris data classes")

cat("MAM recalled these IDs:\n")

[Package nnlib2Rcpp version 0.2.8 Index]