Nearest Neighbors Matching of Case-Control Data

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Documentation for package ‘nncc’ version 2.0.0

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anifood case-control data
cacheit Function to cache long operations
calc_strata_or Calculate the pooled strata OR
case_control nncc: nearest-neighbors matching for case-control data
distance_density_plot Distance density plots comparing closest to random choices
excl_vars Variables excluded from matching
finalize_data Final cleaning of the matched dataset(s)
fix_df Fix the strata so they all have at least one case and control
get_paf Calculate population attributable fraction using odds ratio
get_threshold Identify the right threshold
make_analysis_set Make analysis set
make_analysis_sets Make analysis datasets
make_knn_strata Make case-control strata using k nearest neighbors (knn)
matching nncc: nearest-neighbors matching for case-control data
nearest_neighbors nncc: nearest-neighbors matching for case-control data
nncc nncc: nearest-neighbors matching for case-control data
original_compare_plot Compare the original strata's distances to the knn version
plot_results Plot the OR results
sex2 Urinary Tract Infection in American College Students
sexagg Urinary Tract Infection in American College Students
test_mh Calculate odds ratios
threshold_model_plot Show the prediction of the logistic regression model
unique_controls Ensures controls are unique to avoid possible pseudoreplication issues
write_strata_or_output Format strata output into CSV