deviance.nlstac |
Extract Model Deviance for a nsltac fit model |
df.residual.nlstac |
Residuals Degree-of-Freedom of a nsltac Fit |
fitted.nlstac |
Extract Fitted Values from a nsltac Fit |
get_best_params |
Get best-fit parameters |
get_functions |
Get nonlinear functions from a separable nonlinear formula |
get_lhs |
Get left hand side of a formula |
get_parameters |
Get parameters from a formula |
get_rhs |
Get right hand side of a formula |
is.nlstac |
Is nlsTAC class check |
logLik.nlstac |
Extract Log-Likelihood from a nlstac Model |
nls_tac |
Nonlinear fit with the TAC algorithm |
nobs.nlstac |
Extract the Number of Observations from a nsltac Fit |
predict.nlstac |
Predict a nls tac fit. |
print.nlstac |
Print a nlstac Model |
print.summary.nlstac |
Prints the summary a summary.nlstac object. |
residuals.nlstac |
Extract Model Residuals for a nsltac fit model |
summary.nlstac |
Summary a nls tac fit. |
vcov.nlstac |
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a nlstac Fitted Model Object |