nlshrink {nlshrink}R Documentation



A package for estimating population eigenvalues and covariance matrices, based on publications by Ledoit and Wolf (2004, 2012, 2015, 2016).


A common assumption in statistics is that for a data matrix X of dimension n \times p, the number of predictor variables (p) vanishes relative to the number of datapoints (n) as n \to \infty. However, in modern datasets, it is often the case that p is comparable to or greater than n. In this scenario, a more appropriate asymptotic framework is to assume that the ratio c := p/n approaches a finite positive value as n,p \to \infty. In this case, the sample covariance matrix S is no longer a consistent estimator of the population covariance matrix \Sigma. Similarly, the sample eigenvalues deviate substantially from the population eigenvalues. This package contains implementations of Ledoit and Wolf's linear and non-linear shrinkage population eigenvalue and covariance estimation methods, based on their 2016 publication and the accompanying MATLAB code. Theoretical and implementation details of these methods can be found in the following publications:

[Package nlshrink version 1.0.1 Index]