Setup, Run and Analyze 'NetLogo' Model Simulations from 'R' via 'XML'

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Documentation for package ‘nlrx’ version 0.4.5

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nlrx-package nlrx: A package for running NetLogo simulations from R.
analyze_nl Analyze NetLogo simulation output
check_netlogo_version Check supported NetLogo versions
download_netlogo Download NetLogo
eval_simoutput Evaluate input/output integrity
eval_variables_constants Evaluate variable validity
experiment Construct a new experiment object
export_nl Export NetLogo Experiment
getexp Getter function to get a variable of an experiment object
getnl Getter function to get a variable of a nl object
getsim Getter function to get a variable of a simdesign object
import_nl Import NetLogo Experiment
nl Construct a new nl object
nldoc Create NetLogo documentation
nldoc_network Create NetLogo procedure network
nlrx nlrx: A package for running NetLogo simulations from R.
nl_distinct Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign distinct
nl_eFast Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign eFast
nl_ff Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign ff
nl_gensa Wolf Sheep model sample data: gensa
nl_lhs Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign lhs
nl_morris Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign morris
nl_simple Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign simple
nl_sobol Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign sobol
nl_sobol2007 Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign sobol2007
nl_soboljansen Wolf Sheep model sample data: simdesign soboljansen
nl_spatial Wolf Sheep model sample data: spatial
nl_to_graph Generate igraph objects from measured turtles and links metrics
nl_to_points Get spatial data from metrics.turtles output
nl_to_raster Get spatial data from metrics.patches output Print content of nl object
report_model_parameters Report globals from a NetLogo model that is defined within a nl object
run_nl_all Execute all NetLogo simulations from a nl object
run_nl_dyn Execute NetLogo simulation without pregenerated parametersets
run_nl_one Execute one NetLogo simulation from a nl object
setexp Setter function to set a variable of an experiment object
setexp<- Setter function to set a variable of an experiment object
setnl Setter function to set a variable of a nl object
setnl<- Setter function to set a variable of a nl object
setsim Setter function to set a variable of a simdesign object
setsim<- Setter function to set a variable of a simdesign object
simdesign Construct a new simdesign object
simdesign_ABCmcmc_Marjoram Add an Approximate Bayesian Computation (Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain) simdesign using the Majoram algorithm to a nl object
simdesign_ABCmcmc_Marjoram_original Add an Approximate Bayesian Computation (Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain) simdesign using the Majoram Original algorithm to a nl object
simdesign_ABCmcmc_Wegmann Add an Approximate Bayesian Computation (Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain) simdesign using the Wegmann algorithm to a nl object
simdesign_distinct Add a distinct simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_eFast Add an eFast simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_ff Add a full-factorial simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_GenAlg Add a Genetic Algorithm simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_GenSA Add a Simulated Annealing simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_lhs Add a latin-hypercube simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_morris Add a morris elementary effects simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_simple Add a simple simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_sobol Add a sobol simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_sobol2007 Add a sobol2007 simdesign to a nl object
simdesign_soboljansen Add a soboljansen simdesign to a nl object
supported_netlogo_versions Report supported NetLogo versions
test_nlrx Test if nlrx runs on the local system
unnest_simoutput Get spatial data from metrics.turtles and metrics.patches output
write_simoutput Write attached NetLogo simulation output to file