Nested Loop Cross Validation

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Documentation for package ‘nlcv’ version 0.3.5

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compareOrig function to compare the original matrix of correct classes to each component of the output object for a certain classifier
confusionMatrix.nlcv compute a confusion matrix for the optimal number of features for a given technique used in the nested loop cross validation
inTrainingSample Function to define a learning sample based on balanced sampling
limmaTwoGroups Wrapper around limma for the comparison of two groups
mcrPlot Misclassification Rate Plot
nlcv Nested Loop Cross-Validation
nlcvRF_R nlcv results on random data with random forest feature selection
nlcvRF_SHS nlcv results on strong hetero signal data with random forest feature selection
nlcvRF_SS nlcv results on strong signal data a with random forest feature selection
nlcvRF_WHS nlcv results on weak signal data with random forest feature selection
nlcvRF_WS nlcv results on weak hetero signal data with random forest feature selection
nlcvTT_R nlcv results on random data with t-test feature selection
nlcvTT_SHS nlcv results on strong hetero signal data with t-test feature selection
nlcvTT_SS nlcv results on strong signal data a with t-test feature selection
nlcvTT_WHS nlcv results on weak signal data with t-test feature selection
nlcvTT_WS nlcv results on weak hetero signal data with t-test feature selection
nldaI new MLInterfaces schema for lda from MASS
pamrI Instance of a learnerSchema for pamr models
pamrIconverter convert from 'pamrML' to 'classifierOutput'
pamrML Wrapper function around the pamr.* functions
pamrTrain Function providing a formula interface to pamr.train
predict.pamrML predict 'pamrML' object
print.nlcvConfusionMatrix print object 'nlcvConfusionMatrix'
print.pamrML print 'pamrML' object
print.summary.mcrPlot 'print' function for 'summary.mcrPlot' object
rankDistributionPlot Plot the Distribution of Ranks of Features Across nlcv Runs
rocPlot Produce a ROC plot for a classification model belonging to a given technique and with a given number of features.
scoresPlot Function to Plot a Scores Plot
summary.mcrPlot 'summary' function for 'mcrPlot' object
topTable Methods for topTable
topTable-method Methods for topTable
topTable-methods Methods for topTable
xtable.confusionMatrix xtable method for confusionMatrix objects
xtable.summary.mcrPlot xtable method for summary.mcrPlot objects