poisGP2PP {nieve}R Documentation

Transform Poisson-GP Parameters into Point-Process Parameters


Transform Poisson-GP parameters into Point-Process (PP) parameters. In the POT Poisson-GP framework the three parameters are the rate lambda \lambda_u of the Poisson process in time and the two GP parameters: scale \sigma_u and shape \xi. The vector loc contains the fixed threshold u, and w the fixed block duration. These parameters are converted into the vector of three parameters of the GEV distribution for the maximum of the marks Y_i on a time interval with duration w, the number N of these marks being a r.v. with Poisson distribution. More precisely, the GEV distribution applies when N > 0.


poisGP2PP(lambda, loc = 0.0, scale = 1.0, shape = 0.0, w =
    1.0, deriv = FALSE)



A numeric vector containing the Poisson rate(s).


A numeric vector containing the Generalized Pareto location, i.e. the threshold in the POT framework.

scale, shape

Numeric vectors containing the Generalized Pareto scale and shape parameters.


The block duration. Its physical dimension is time and the product \lambda_u \times w is dimensionless.


Logical. If TRUE the derivative (Jacobian) of the transformation is computed and returned as an attribute named "gradient" of the attribute.


The three PP parameters \mu^\star_w, \sigma^\star_w and \xi^\star relate to the Poisson-GP parameters according to

\left\{ \begin{array}{c c l} \mu^\star_w &=& u + \frac{(\lambda_u w)^\xi - 1}{\xi} \, \sigma_u, \\ \sigma^\star_w &=& (\lambda_u w)^\xi \, \sigma_u,\\ \xi^\star &=& \xi, \end{array} \right.

the fraction [(\lambda_u w)^\xi - 1] / \xi of the first equation being to be replaced for \xi = 0 by its limit \log(\lambda_u w).


A numeric matrix with three columns representing the Point-Process parameters loc \mu^\star_w, scale \sigma^\star_w and shape \xi^\star.


This function is essentially a re-implementation in C of the function Ren2gev of Renext. As a major improvement, this function is "vectorized" w.r.t. the parameters so it can transform efficiently a large number of Poisson-GP parameter vectors as can be required e.g. in a MCMC Bayesian inference. Note also that this function copes with values near zero for the shape parameter: it suitably computes then both the function value and its derivatives.

See Also

PP2poisGP for the reciprocal transformation.

[Package nieve version 0.1.3 Index]