Non-Homogeneous Markov and Hidden Markov Multistate Models

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Documentation for package ‘nhm’ version 0.1.1

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ematrix.nhm Compute the misclassification probability matrix from a fitted nhm model
example_data1 Example of data on a progressive 4 state process
example_data2 Example of data on a progressive 4 state process with state misclassification
initialprob.nhm Compute the initial probability vector from a fitted nhm model
model.nhm Model object set up for non-homogeneous Markov models
nhm Fit a non-homogeneous Markov model using maximum likelihood
nhm.control Ancillary arguments for controlling nhm fits
plot.nhm Plot transition probabilities or intensities from a fitted nhm model.
predict.nhm Compute state occupation or transition probabilities from a fitted nhm model
print.nhm_score Print output from a score test of a nhm object
qmatrix.nhm Compute transition intensities from a fitted nhm model