A | Adjacency matrix for the infant mortality data. |
adjacency.matrix | Return an adjacency matrix for a square lattice. |
autologistic | Fit a centered autologistic model using maximum pseudolikelihood estimation or MCMC for Bayesian inference. |
infant | Infant mortality data. |
negbinomial | Family function for negative binomial GLMs. |
rautologistic | Return a perfect sample from a centered autologistic model. |
residuals.autologistic | Extract model residuals. |
residuals.sparse.sglmm | Extract model residuals. |
sparse.sglmm | Fit a sparse SGLMM. |
summary.autologistic | Print a summary of a centered autologistic model fit. |
summary.sparse.sglmm | Print a summary of a sparse SGLMM fit. |
vcov.autologistic | Return the estimated covariance matrix for an 'autologistic' model object. |
vcov.sparse.sglmm | Return the covariance matrix of the regression parameters of a 'sparse.sglmm' model object. |