Craft Exceptional 'R Shiny' Applications and Dashboards with Novel Responsive Tools

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Documentation for package ‘nextGenShinyApps’ version 2.0

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accordion Generate an accordion
accordionItem Generate an accordion item
actionButton Create a button
alert Create an alert
altPanel New sidebar panel to display content
card Generate a flexible and extensible content container
checkboxInput Create an advanced checkbox input
cssjsinclude Include stylesheets and scripts
dashboardBody Create the body section of the application
fluidPage Generate a container for the application
load.example Load examples for the package
mainPanel Main panel to display content
masterButton Create a master button
modal.header Create hyperlink modal section that appears ONLY when the sidebar logo is clicked
modalDialog Generate a modal box
nav Nav tag
rand.num Random number betwen 1 and 10000
row Generate a row div
setup.toolbar.buttons Generate toolbar buttons Generate toolbar menu
sidebarLayout Sidebar layout
sidebarPanel Create the sidebar panel
sortablegrid Generate a sortable grid
spinner Create a spinner
submitButton Create a submit button
tabPanel Create a tab panel item
tabsetPanel Create an advanced tabset
template.loc Template location full text
textAreaInput Create an advanced text area input
textInput Create an advanced text input
titlePanel Title panel for the header of the application
wrapper A wrapper for panels