Statistical Tests to Compare Curves with Recurrent Events

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Documentation for package ‘newTestSurvRec’ version 1.0.2

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newTestSurvRec-package package newTestSurvRec
DataColonDukesABvsC Re-hospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
DataColonDukesABvsD Re-hospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
DataColonDukesCvsD Rehospitalization of patients with colorectal cancer
Dif.Surv.Rec This function computes statistical difference between two survival curves
fit.Data.Survrecu This function let to adjust the IDs the database
FitSurvRec Compute a Survival Curve for Recurrent Event Data given a variable of group
is.Survrecu This function verify if the formula type of survival recurrent is object type newTestSurvRec
MMC.TestSurvRec Migratory Motor Complex
newTestSurvRec package newTestSurvRec
Plot.Cusum.Events Plot data with recurrent events
Plot.Data.Events Plot data with recurrent events
Plot.Event.Rec This function plots the ocurrence of a event in two scales time
Plot.Surv.Rec Plots of thesurvival function from an object with class newTestSurvRec, using PHS or WC models
Print.Summary Function to print summary of statistics tests to comparison of the survival curves of the groups with recurrent events Estimator of the survival curve using the estimator developed by Pena, Strawderman and Hollander
Qsearch.Fractil Calculate the survival time to a selected quantile
Survrecu Create a Survival recurrent object type newTestSurvRec
TBCplapyr Data in patients with bladder cancer treated with placebo or pyridoxine
TBCplathi Data in patients with bladder cancer treated as placebo or thiotepa
TBCpyrthi Data in patients with bladder cancers and treated with pyridoxine or thiotepa Survival function estimator for recurrence time data using the estimator developed by Wang and Chang