dapp {neuromplex}R Documentation

Dynamic Admixture of Poisson Process


Fits the DAPP model to binned spiking data


dapp(spike.counts, lengthScale = NULL, lsPrior = NULL,
     hyper = list(prec = c(1,1), sig0 = 1.87, w=c(1,1)),
     burnIn = 1e3, nsamp = 1e3, thin = 4,
     verbose = TRUE, remove.zeros = FALSE)



A list with the following items. 'Acounts': binned spike counts under condition A presented as a matrix. Rows are bins, columns are replicates (trials). 'Bcount': binned spike counts under condition B. 'ABcounts': binned spike counts under condition AB. 'bin.mids': an array giving the mid-points of the time bins. 'bin.width': a scalar giving the bin width.


an array giving the length scale parameter values to be used for Gaussian process prior. Defaults to sort(0.16 * resp.horiz / c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1)) where resp.horiz is the time horizon of the response period.


an array of the same length as lengthScale giving the prior probabilities of the length scale values.


a list of hyper parameters with the following iterms. 'prec': a 2-vector giving the shape and rate parameters of the gamma distribution on the Dirichlet precision parameter. 'sig0': a scalaer giving the scale of the (centered) logistic distribution used in transforming the Gaussian random curves into curves restricted between 0 and 1.


number of MCMC iterations to discard as burn-in.


number of MCMC draws to be saved for posterior inference.


the thinning rate at which MCMC draws are to be saved. The total number of iterations equals burnIn + nsamp * thin


logical indicating if some fit details should be printed during the course of the MCMC


logical indicating if trials with zero spike count shuold be removed from the analysis


Returns a list of class "dapp" containting the following items.


posterior preditctive draws of length scale


posterior draws of lambda.A at bin mid-points


posterior draws of lambda.B at bin mid-points


posterior draws of the alpha curves at bin mid-points


posterior draws of the latent variable A which gives the AB spike counts (by bin) that are to be attributed to signal A (the remaining are attributed to signal B)


posterior draws of precision


posterior predictive draws of alpha (of a future trial)


posterior predictive draw of the feature parameters (phi, psi, ell) (of a future trial)


mcmc details given as an array of c(niter, nsamp, burnIn, thin, MH acceptance rate)


hyper parameters used in model fitting


length scale set used in model fitting


length scale prior


bin mid-points


bin width


mcmc controls (burn-in length, thinning rate and number of saved draws)


Glynn, C., Tokdar, S.T., Zaman, A., Caruso, V.C., Mohl, J.T., Willett, S.M., and Groh, J.M. (2020+). Analyzing second order stochasticity of neural spiking under stimuli-bundle exposure. The Annals of Applied Statistics. Accepted.

See Also

plot.dapp, summary.dapp and predict.dapp.


  ## Note:
  #### The example below uses a simpler synthetic data, a wider bin-width
  #### and a shorter MCMC run to keep the run length less than 5s
  #### Use ?plot.dapp or ?plot.summary for a more realistic example
  ## Generate 30 A and 30 B trials with rate functions
  ##    lambda.A(t) = 160*exp(-2*t/1000) + 40*exp(-0.2*t/1000)
  ##    lambda.B(t) = 40*exp(-2*t/1000)
  ## where time t is measured in ms. Then, generate 25 AB trials,
  ## roughly 2/3 with flat weight curves with a constant intensity
  ## either close to A, or close to B (equally likely). The 
  ## remaining 1/3 curves are sinusoidal that snake between 0.01 and 0.99 
  ## with a period randomly drawn between 400 and 1000
  ntrials <- c(nA=30, nB=30, nAB=25)
  flat.range <- list(A=c(0.85, 0.95),
                     B=c(0.05, 0.15))
  flat.mix <- c(A=1/2, B=1/2)
  wavy.span <- c(0.01, 0.99)
  wavy.period <- c(400, 1000)
  T.horiz <- 1000
  rateB <- 40 * exp(-2*(1:T.horiz)/T.horiz)
  rateA <- 4*rateB + 40 * exp(-0.2*(1:T.horiz)/T.horiz)
  synth.data <- synthesis.dapp(ntrials = ntrials, pr.flat = 2/3,
                               intervals = flat.range, wts = flat.mix,
                               span = wavy.span, period.range = wavy.period,
                               lambda.A=rateA, lambda.B=rateB)
  ## Generate binned spike counts witb 100 ms bins
  spike.counts <- mplex.preprocess(synth.data$spiketimes, bw=100, visualize=FALSE)
  ## Fit the DAPP model to data
  #### A short MCMC run is done below to keep the run length short.
  #### Use default or larger values for burn, nsamp and thin
  #### for more reliable estimation
  fit.post <- dapp(spike.counts, burn=10, nsamp=90, thin=1, verbose=FALSE)
  ## Visualize model fit
  ## Post process results to assign second order stochasticity labels

[Package neuromplex version 1.0-1 Index]