Data Structures and Handling for Neuroimaging Data

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Documentation for package ‘neuroim’ version 0.0.6

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T V W misc

neuroim-package neuroim

-- A --

addDim Generic function to add a dimension to an object
addDim-method Generic function to add a dimension to an object
AFNIFileDescriptor-class AFNIFileDescriptor
AFNIMetaInfo AFNIMetaInfo
AFNIMetaInfo-class FileMetaInfo
as conversion from DenseBrainVolume to array
as.array-method convert 'BrainData' instance to array
as.list-method as.list
as.logical-method as.logical
as.mask Convert to a LogicalBrainVolume
as.mask-method Convert to a LogicalBrainVolume
as.matrix-method convert 'BrainData' instance to matrix
as.matrix-method as.matrix
as.numeric-method Convert SparseBrainVolume to numeric
as.raster-method as.raster
as.sparse Convert to from dense to sparse representation
as.sparse-method Convert to from dense to sparse representation
as.vector-method convert 'BrainData' instance to vector
axes Generic getter function to extract image axes
axes-method Generic getter function to extract image axes
AxisSet-class Base
AxisSet1D-class AxisSet1D
AxisSet2D-class AxisSet2D
AxisSet3D-class AxisSet3D
AxisSet4D-class AxisSet4D
AxisSet5D-class AxisSet5D
axisToIndex Generic function to convert 1-dimensional real axis coordinates along a single axis dimension to an 1D index along the same axis
axisToIndex-method Generic function to convert 1-dimensional real axis coordinates along a single axis dimension to an 1D index along the same axis

-- B --

Base-class Base
BaseMetaInfo-class BaseMetaInfo
BaseSource-class BaseSource
BinaryReader BinaryReader
BinaryReader-class BinaryReader
BinaryWriter BinaryWriter
BinaryWriter-class BinaryWriter
BootstrapSearchlight Create a searchlight iterator that samples regions from within a mask. Searchlight centers are sampled *without* replacement, but the same voxel can belong to multiple searchlight samples. It is in the latter sense that this is a bootstrap resampling scheme.
bounds Generic function to extract the spatial bounds (origin + dim * spacing) of an image param x the object
bounds-method Generic function to extract the spatial bounds (origin + dim * spacing) of an image param x the object
BrainBucket BrainBucket
BrainBucket-class BrainBucket
BrainBucketSource BrainBucketSource
BrainBucketSource-class BrainBucketSource
BrainData-class BrainData
BrainFileDescriptor-class BrainFileDescriptor
BrainFileSource-class BrainFileSource Base class for representing a data source for images. The purpose of this class is to provide a layer in between low level IO and image loading functionality.
BrainMetaInfo BrainMetaInfo This class contains meta information from an image
BrainMetaInfo-class BrainMetaInfo This class contains meta information from an image
BrainSlice BrainSlice constructor
BrainSlice-class BrainSlice
BrainSource-class BrainSource
BrainSpace Constructor function for 'BrainSpace' class
BrainSpace-class BrainSpace
BrainSurface-class BrainSurface
BrainSurfaceSource BrainSurfaceSource
BrainSurfaceSource-class BrainSurfaceSource
BrainSurfaceVector-class BrainSurfaceVector
BrainSurfaceVectorSource-class BrainSurfaceVectorSource
BrainVector BrainVector
BrainVector-class BrainVector
BrainVectorSource BrainVectorSource
BrainVectorSource-class BrainVectorSource
BrainVolume BrainVolume
BrainVolume-class Base class for image representing 3D volumetric data.
BrainVolumeSource BrainVolume BrainVolumeSource A class is used to produce a 'BrainVolume' instance
BrainVolumeSource-class BrainVolume BrainVolumeSource A class is used to produce a 'BrainVolume' instance

-- C --

close-method close
clusterCenters clusterCenters
clusterCenters-method clusterCenters
ClusteredBrainVolume ClusteredBrainVolume
ClusteredBrainVolume-class ClusteredBrainVolume
ColumnReader ColumnReader
ColumnReader-class ColumnReader
concat Concatenate two objects
concat-method Concatenate two objects
connComp Find connected components
connComp-method Find connected components
connComp3D Extract connected components from a 3D mask
coords Extract coordinates
coords-method Extract coordinates
coordToGrid Generic function to convert N-dimensional real world coordinates to grid coordinates
coordToGrid-method Generic function to convert N-dimensional real world coordinates to grid coordinates
coordToIndex Generic function to convert N-dimensional real world coordinates to 1D indices
coordToIndex-method Generic function to convert N-dimensional real world coordinates to 1D indices

-- D --

dataFile Generic function to get the name of the data file, given a file name and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
dataFile-method Generic function to get the name of the data file, given a file name and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
dataFileMatches Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to data file only
dataFileMatches-method Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to data file only
dataReader Generic function to create data reader
dataReader-method Generic function to create data reader
DenseBrainVector DenseBrainVector
DenseBrainVector-class DenseBrainVector
DenseBrainVolume DenseBrainVolume
DenseBrainVolume-class DenseBrainVolume
dim-method dim of 'BrainData' object
dim-method dim
dim-method dim of 'FileMetaInfo'
dropDim Generic function to drop a dimension from an object
dropDim-method Generic function to drop a dimension from an object

-- E --

eachSeries Generic functions to apply a function to each series of a 4D image That is, if the 4th dimension is 'time' each series is a 1D time series.
eachSeries-method Generic functions to apply a function to each series of a 4D image That is, if the 4th dimension is 'time' each series is a 1D time series.
eachSlice Generic functions to apply a function to each (2D) slice of an image
eachSlice-method Generic functions to apply a function to each (2D) slice of an image
eachVolume Generic function to apply a function to each volume of a four-dimensional image
eachVolume-method Generic function to apply a function to each volume of a four-dimensional image

-- F --

fileMatches Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to either header file or data file
fileMatches-method Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to either header file or data file
FileMetaInfo-class FileMetaInfo
fill Generic function to map values from one set to another using a user-supplied lookup table
fill-method Generic function to map values from one set to another using a user-supplied lookup table
FreesurferAsciiSurfaceFileDescriptor-class FresurferAsciiSurfaceFileDescriptor
FreesurferSurfaceGeometryMetaInfo-class FreeSurferSurfaceGeometryMetaInfo This class contains meta information for brain surface geometry

-- G --

gridToCoord Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate coordinates to real world coordinates Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinates to real world coordinates
gridToCoord-method Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate coordinates to real world coordinates Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinates to real world coordinates
gridToIndex Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate to 1D indices
gridToIndex-method Generic function to convert N-dimensional grid coordinate to 1D indices

-- H --

headerFile Generic function to get the name of the header file, given a file name and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
headerFile-method Generic function to get the name of the header file, given a file name and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
headerFileMatches Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to header file only
headerFileMatches-method Generic function to test whether a file name conforms to the given 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance. Will test for match to header file only

-- I --

image-method image
imageGrid imageGrid
IndexLookupVolume IndexLookupVolume
IndexLookupVolume-class IndexLookupVolume
indexToCoord Generic function to convert 1D indices to N-dimensional real world coordinates
indexToCoord-method Generic function to convert 1D indices to N-dimensional real world coordinates
indexToGrid Generic function to convert 1D indices to N-dimensional grid coordinates
indexToGrid-method Generic function to convert 1D indices to N-dimensional grid coordinates
indices Extract indices
indices-method Extract indices
inverseTrans Generic getter to extract inverse image coordinate transformation
inverseTrans-method Generic getter to extract inverse image coordinate transformation

-- K --

Kernel Create a Kernel object
Kernel-class Kernel

-- L --

Layer Layer
Layer-class Layer
length-method Get length of 'BrainVector'. This is the numbe rof volumes in the volume vector (e.g. the 4th image dimension)
loadBucket loadBucket
loadData Generic function to load data from a data source
loadData-method Generic function to load data from a data source
loadFSSurface load Freesurfer ascii surface
loadSurface load an surface from a set of files
loadVector loadVector
loadVolume Load an image volume from a file
loadVolumeList loadVolList
LogicalBrainVolume LogicalBrainVolume
LogicalBrainVolume-class LogicalBrainVolume
lookup Index Lookup operation
lookup-method Index Lookup operation

-- M --

makeVector makeVector
makeVolume makeVolume
map Generic function to apply a function to an object
map-method Generic function to apply a function to an object
mapToColors mapToColors
matchAnatomy2D given two named axes return AxisSet2D singleton
matchAnatomy3D given three named axes return AxisSet3D singleton
matrixToVolumeList matrixToVolumeList converts a matrix to a list of BrainVolumes with values filled at grid coordinates determined by the 'vox' argument.
mergePartitions mergePartitions
mergePartitions-method mergePartitions

-- N --

NamedAxis-class NamedAxis
names-method names
ndim Generic function to extract the number of dimensions of an object
ndim-method Generic function to extract the number of dimensions of an object
neuroim neuroim
NIfTIFileDescriptor-class NIfTIFileDescriptor
NIfTIMetaInfo Constructor for 'NIfTIMetaInfo' class
NIfTIMetaInfo-class FileMetaInfo
NIMLSurfaceDataMetaInfo Constructor for 'NIMLSurfaceDataMetaInfo' class
NIMLSurfaceDataMetaInfo-class NIMLSurfaceDataMetaInfo This class contains meta information for surface-based data for the NIML data format
NIMLSurfaceFileDescriptor-class NIMLSurfaceFileDescriptor
NullMetaInfo-class NullMetaInfo
numClusters numClusters
numClusters-method numClusters

-- O --

origin Generic getter to extract image origin
origin-method Generic getter to extract image origin
overlay overlay two objects
overlay-method overlay two objects

-- P --

partition partition
partition-method partition
permMat Extract permutation matrix
permMat-method Extract permutation matrix
pick pick
print Generic function to print an object
print-method print a 'AxisSet2D' instance
print-method print a 'AxisSet3D' instance
print-method print a 'NamedAxis'

-- R --

RandomSearchlight Create an Random Searchlight iterator
readAFNIHeader readAFNIHeader
readColumns Generic function to read a set of column vector from an input source (e.g. 'ColumnReader')
readColumns-method Generic function to read a set of column vector from an input source (e.g. 'ColumnReader')
readElements Generic function to read a sequence of elements from an input source
readElements-method Generic function to read a sequence of elements from an input source
readHeader read header information of an image file
readMetaInfo Generic function to read image meta info given a file and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
readMetaInfo-method Generic function to read image meta info given a file and a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
RegionCube Create A Cuboid Region of Interest
RegionSphere Create A Spherical Region of Interest
RegionSquare Create a square region of interest where the z-dimension is fixed at one voxel coordinate.
render Render an image to create a drawable image.
render-method Render an image to create a drawable image.
renderSlice Render a slice at z coordinate
renderSlice-method Render a slice at z coordinate
ROIVolume Create an instance of class ROIVolume
ROIVolume-class ROIVolume

-- S --

scaleSeries Generic functions to scale (center and/or normalize by standard deviation) each series of a 4D image That is, if the 4th dimension is 'time' each series is a 1D time series.
scaleSeries-method Generic functions to scale (center and/or normalize by standard deviation) each series of a 4D image That is, if the 4th dimension is 'time' each series is a 1D time series.
Searchlight Create an exhaustive searchlight iterator
series Extract vector series from object
series-method Extract vector series from object
seriesIter seriesIter
seriesIter-method seriesIter
show-method show an 'AxisSet1D'
show-method show an 'AxisSet2D'
show-method show an 'AxisSet3D'
show-method show an 'AxisSet4D'
show-method show a 'BaseMetaInfo'
show-method show a 'BrainSpace'
show-method show a 'BrainVector'
show-method show a 'BrainVectorSource'
show-method show a 'BrainVolume'
show-method show a 'FileMetaInfo'
show-method show an 'NamedAxis'
show-method show a 'NullMetaInfo'
show-method show an 'ROIVolime'
show-method show a 'SparseBrainVector'
show-method show an 'SurfaceDataMetaInfo'
show-method show an 'SurfaceGeometryMetaInfo'
slice Extract a 2D slice from an image volume
slice-method Extract a 2D slice from an image volume
sliceData sliceData
space Generic function to extract geometric properties of an image.
space-method Generic function to extract geometric properties of an image.
spacing Generic function to extract the voxel dimensions of an image
spacing-method Generic function to extract the voxel dimensions of an image
SparseBrainVector SparseBrainVector
SparseBrainVector-class SparseBrainVector
SparseBrainVectorSource SparseBrainVectorSource
SparseBrainVectorSource-class SparseBrainVectorSource
SparseBrainVolume SparseBrainVolume
SparseBrainVolume-class SparseBrainVolume
splitFill Generic function to fill disjoint sets of values with the output of a function
splitFill-method Generic function to fill disjoint sets of values with the output of a function
splitReduce Generic function to summarize subsets of an object by first splitting by row and then "reducing" by a summary 'function'
splitReduce-method Generic function to summarize subsets of an object by first splitting by row and then "reducing" by a summary 'function'
splitScale Generic function to center/scale row-subsets of a matrix or matrix-like object
splitScale-method Generic function to center/scale row-subsets of a matrix or matrix-like object
stripExtension Generic function to strip extension from file name, given a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
stripExtension-method Generic function to strip extension from file name, given a 'BrainFileDescriptor' instance.
subVector Generic function to extract a sub-vector from a 'BrainVector' object.
subVector-method Generic function to extract a sub-vector from a 'BrainVector' object.
SurfaceDataMetaInfo Constructor for 'SurfaceDataMetaInfo' class
SurfaceDataMetaInfo-class SurfaceDataMetaInfo This class contains meta information for surface-based data (the values that map to a surface geometry)
SurfaceGeometryMetaInfo Constructor for 'SurfaceGeometryMetaInfo' class
SurfaceGeometryMetaInfo-class SurfaceGeometryMetaInfo This class contains meta information for brain surface geometry

-- T --

takeSeries Generic function to extract a set of series from a 4D image
takeVolume Generic function to extract a one or more individual volumes from a four-dimensional image
takeVolume-method Generic function to extract a one or more individual volumes from a four-dimensional image
tesselate tesselate
tesselate-method tesselate
trans Generic getter to extract image coordinate transformation
trans-method Generic getter to extract image coordinate transformation

-- V --

values Generic function to extract data values of object
values-method Generic function to extract data values of object
voxels extract voxel coordinates
voxels-method extract voxel coordinates

-- W --

writeElements Generic function to write a sequence of elements from an input source
writeElements-method Generic function to write a sequence of elements from an input source
writeVector Generic function to write a 4D image vector to disk
writeVector-method Generic function to write a 4D image vector to disk
writeVolume Generic function to write a 3D image volume to disk
writeVolume-method Generic function to write a 3D image volume to disk

-- misc --

+-method overlay two objects
[-method extract labeled volume from 'BrainBucket'
[-method extract data from 'ROIVolume'
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[-method extractor
[[-method extract labeled volume from 'BrainBucket'