atomize {networkLite}R Documentation

Convert Lists to Atomic Vectors Where Possible


Convert Lists to Atomic Vectors Where Possible


atomize(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'networkLite'
atomize(x, ..., upcast = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'tbl_df'
atomize(x, ..., upcast = FALSE)



A networkLite or tibble object.


additional arguments


logical; are we allowed to upcast atomic types when converting lists to atomic vectors?


The tibble method examines each column of the tibble and replaces the column with the result of calling unlist on the column if all of the following are true: the column is.list of length greater than zero, each element of which is.atomic of length one, and either upcast is TRUE or there is only one unique class among all elements of the column.

The networkLite method applies the tibble method to the edgelist and vertex attribute tibbles in the networkLite.


The networkLite or tibble with list columns replaced by atomic vector columns where possible.

[Package networkLite version 1.0.5 Index]