Network Analysis and Community Detection

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Documentation for package ‘nett’ version 1.0.0

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adj_spec_test Adjusted spectral test
bethe_hessian_select Beth-Hessian model selection
compute_block_sums Block sum of an adjacency matrix
compute_confusion_matrix Compute confusion matrix
compute_mutual_info Compute normalized mutual information (NMI)
estim_dcsbm Estimate model parameters of a DCSBM
eval_dcsbm_bic Compute BIC score
eval_dcsbm_like Log likelihood of a DCSBM (fast with poi = TRUE)
eval_dcsbm_loglr Log-likelihood ratio of two DCSBMs (fast with poi = TRUE)
extract_largest_cc Extract largest component
extract_low_deg_comp Extract low-degree component
fast_cpl CPL algorithm for community detection (fast)
fast_sbm Sample from a SBM (fast)
gen_rand_conn Generate randomly permuted connectivity matrix
get_dcsbm_exav_deg Calculate the expected average degree of a DCSBM
label_mat2vec Convert label matrix to vector
label_vec2mat Convert label vector to matrix
nac_test NAC test
plot_deg_dist Plot degree distribution
plot_net Plot a network
plot_roc Plot ROC curves
plot_smooth_profile Plot community profiles
polblogs Political blogs network
pp_conn Generate planted partition (PP) connectivity matrix
printf The usual "printf" function
rsymperm Generate random symmetric permutation matrix
sample_dcer Sample from a DCER
sample_dclvm Sample from a DCLVM
sample_dcpp Sample from a DCPP
sample_dcsbm Sample from a DCSBM
sample_tdcsbm Sample truncated DCSBM (fast)
simulate_roc Simulate data to estimate ROC curves
sinkhorn_knopp Sinkhorn-Knopp matrix scaling
snac_resample Resampled SNAC+
snac_select Estimate community number with SNAC+
snac_test SNAC test
spec_clust Spectral clustering (fast)
spec_repr Spectral Representation