control_traj {netcontrol}R Documentation

Calculate the trajectory of a discrete linear time invariant system under a given control scheme


This function is designed to work with control_scheme objects generated by control_scheme_DLI_freestate In future versions of netcontrol this function will be used to simulate any control trajectory. For general details on control theory trajectories, see (Lewis et al. 2012).


control_traj(t_max, x_0, A, B, theta = NA, gamma = NA, control_scheme,
  delta = NA, d_nosign = F, d_toggle = F, upper_bounds = NA,
  lower_bounds = NA, u_pos = F)



Required. An integer total number of time points to determine the trajectory over


Required. A p length numeric vector of starting values


Required. A p x p matrix of system coefficients


Required. A p x q matrix of control weights


Optional. A p x p covariance matrix for state errors. If NA, state mechanics will be deterministic


Optional. A p x p covariance matrix for observation errors. If NA, no observation/measurement error will be modelled.


Required. A list containing an entry labeled gain_seq containing either 1 or t_max - 1 Kalman gain matrices and an entry labeled cost_func which contains an appropriately constructed cost function


Optional. A vector of length 2, where the first entry contains the point of saturation for control inputs, and the second entry contains the saturation value for control inputs.


Optional. Boolean. If TRUE and delta is not NA, control inputs are forced to be positive.


Optional. Boolean. If TRUE and delta is not NA, control inputs are either 0 or the saturation value.


Optional. A p length vector of upper bounds on state values.


Optional. A p length vector of lower bounds on state values.


Optional. Boolean. If TRUE restricts control inputs to be positive,


CAUTION: Use of saturation parameters and/or bound parameters delta, d_nosign, d_toggle, upper.bound, lower.bound, u.pos leads to estimates of the optimal trajectory to be sub-optimal, as the Kalman gain calculations do not take any of those restrictions into account. This functionality will be added later, and this caution statement removed at that time.


A list containing 4 entries: a 't_max x p' state value matrix, a 't_max x p' observation matrix, a 't_max-1 x q' matrix of control inputs and a 't_max' length vector of cost function values.


Lewis FL, Vrabie DL, Syrmos VL (2012). Optimal Control, 3rd ed edition. Wiley, Hoboken. ISBN 978-0-470-63349-6..


A = matrix(c(0,-3,-2,2,-2,1,-1,2,-1), 3,3)

#Normalize rows to sum to 1
A = solve(diag(rowSums(A))) %*% A

B = S = Q_seq = R_seq = diag(3)

CS = control_scheme_DLI_freestate(100, A, B, S, Q_seq, R_seq)

traj = control_traj(100, rep(100,3), A, B, control_scheme = CS)

#First 5 control inputs

[Package netcontrol version 0.1 Index]