A Collection of Tools for Network Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘netUtils’ version 0.8.2

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as_adj_list1 Adjacency list
as_adj_weighted weighted dense adjacency matrix
as_multi_adj Convert a list of graphs to an adjacency matrices
biggest_component helper function
bipartite_from_data_frame two-mode network from a data.frame
clique_vertex_mat Clique Vertex Matrix
core_periphery Discrete core-periphery model
delete_isolates helper function
dyad_census_attr dyad census with node attributes
fast_cliques Find Cliques, maximal or not, fast
graph_cartesian Cartesian product of two graphs
graph_cor Graph correlation
graph_cor.array Graph correlation
graph_cor.default Graph correlation
graph_cor.igraph Graph correlation
graph_cor.matrix Graph correlation
graph_direct Direct product of two graphs
graph_from_multi_edgelist Multiple networks from a single edgelist with a typed attribute
graph_kpartite k partite graphs
graph_to_sage convert igraph object to sage format
helpers helper function
reciprocity_cor Reciprocity correlation coefficient
sample_coreseq Generate random graphs with a given coreness sequence
sample_lfr LFR benchmark graphs
sample_pa_homophilic Homophilic random graph using BA preferential attachment model
split_graph split graph
str.igraph Print graphs to terminal
structural_equivalence Maximal Structural Equivalence
triad_census_attr triad census with node attributes