netCoin {netCoin} | R Documentation |
Networked coincidences.
produces a netCoin object of coincidences. Its input has to be two data.frames: one of attributes of events or nodes, and the other of attributes of the edges or links.
netCoin(nodes = NULL, links = NULL, tree = NULL,
community = NULL, layout = NULL,
name = NULL, label = NULL, group = NULL, groupText = FALSE,
labelSize = NULL, size = NULL, color = NULL, shape = NULL,
border = NULL, legend = NULL, sort = NULL, decreasing = FALSE,
ntext = NULL, info = NULL, image = NULL, imageNames = NULL,
centrality = NULL,
nodeBipolar = FALSE, nodeFilter = NULL, degreeFilter = NULL,
lwidth = NULL, lweight = NULL, lcolor = NULL, ltext = NULL,
intensity = NULL, linkBipolar = FALSE, linkFilter = NULL,
repulsion = 25, distance = 10, zoom = 1,
fixed = showCoordinates, limits = NULL,
main = NULL, note = NULL, showCoordinates = FALSE, showArrows = FALSE,
showLegend = TRUE, frequencies = FALSE, showAxes = FALSE,
axesLabels = NULL, scenarios = NULL, help = NULL, helpOn = FALSE,
mode = c("network","heatmap"), roundedItems = FALSE, controls = 1:4,
cex = 1, background = NULL, defaultColor = "#1f77b4",
language = c("en","es","ca"), dir = NULL)
nodes |
a data frame with at least one vector of names. |
links |
a data frame with at least two vectors with source and target, including names of nodes. |
tree |
a data frame with two vectors: source and target, describing relationships between nodes. |
name |
name of the vector with names in the nodes data frame. By default, if language="en", name is "name". |
label |
name of the vector with labels in the nodes data frame. |
group |
name of the vector with groups in the nodes data frame. |
groupText |
show names of the groups. |
community |
algorithm to make communities: edge_betweenness("ed"), fast_greedy("fa"), label_prop("la"), leiden_eigen("le"), louvain("lo"), optimal("op"), spinglass("sp"), walktrap("wa") |
centrality |
calculates the centrality measures of a network. See calCentr. |
labelSize |
name of the vector with label size in the nodes data frame. |
size |
name of the vector with size in the nodes data frame. |
color |
name of the vector with color variable in the nodes data frame. |
shape |
name of the vector with shape variable in the nodes data frame. |
border |
name of the column with border width in the nodes data frame. |
legend |
name of the vector with the variable to represent as a legend in the nodes data frame. |
ntext |
name of the vector with html text in the nodes data frame. |
info |
name of the vector with information to display in a panel in the nodes data frame. |
sort |
name of the vector with node order in the nodes data frame (only for heatmap). |
decreasing |
decreasing or increasing sort of the nodes (only for heatmap). |
intensity |
name of the vector with intensity variable in the links data frame (only for heatmap). |
lwidth |
name of the vector with width variable in the links data frame. |
lweight |
name of the vector with weight variable in the links data frame. |
lcolor |
name of the vector with color variable in the links data frame. |
ltext |
name of the vector with labels in the links data frame. |
nodeFilter |
condition for filtering nodes. |
linkFilter |
condition for filtering links. |
degreeFilter |
numeric vector to filter the resulting network by degree. |
nodeBipolar |
a logical value that polarizes negative and positive node values in the graphical representation. Default = FALSE. |
linkBipolar |
a logical value that polarizes negative and positive link values in the graphical representation. Default = FALSE. |
defaultColor |
a character vector giving a valid html color. |
repulsion |
a percentage for repulsion between nodes. |
distance |
a percentage for distance of links. |
zoom |
a number between 0.1 and 10 to start displaying zoom. |
fixed |
prevent nodes from being dragged. |
scenarios |
a note showing number of scenarios. |
main |
upper title of the graph. |
note |
lower title of the graph. |
frequencies |
a logical value true if the frequencies can be shown in barplots. Default = FALSE. |
help |
help text of the graph. |
helpOn |
Should the help be shown at the beginning? |
background |
background color or image of the graph. |
layout |
a matrix with two columns or an algorithm to elaborate the coordinates: davidson.harel drl("da"), circle("ci"), Force-Atlas-2("fo"), fruchterman.reingold("fr"), gem("ge"), grid("gr"), kamada.kawai("ka"), lgl("lg"), mds("md"), random("ra"), reingold.tilford("re"), star("sta"), sugiyama("sug") |
limits |
vector indicating size references to display layout, must be a numeric vector of length 4: x1, y1, x2, y2. |
cex |
number indicating the amount by which plotting text should be scaled relative to the default. Default = 1. |
roundedItems |
Display items with rounded borders. |
controls |
a numeric vector indicating which controls will be shown. 1 = sidebar, 2 = selection buttons, 3 = export buttons, 4 = nodes table, 5 = links table. NULL hide all controls, negative values deny each control and 0 deny all. |
mode |
a character vector indicating the graph mode allowed: network, heatmap or both (both by default). |
showCoordinates |
a logical value true if the coordinates are to be shown in tables and axes. Default = FALSE. |
showArrows |
a logical value true if the directional arrows are to be shown. Default = FALSE. |
showLegend |
a logical value true if the legend is to be shown. Default = TRUE. |
showAxes |
a logical value true if the axes are to be shown. Default = FALSE. |
axesLabels |
a character vector giving the axes names. |
language |
a character vector (es=spanish; en=english; ca=catalan). |
image |
name of the vector with image files in the nodes data frame. |
imageNames |
name of the vector with names for image files in the nodes data frame. |
dir |
a "character" string representing the directory where the web files will be saved. |
This function returns a netCoin
If the 'dir' attribute is specified, the function creates a folder in the computer with an HTML document named index.html which contains the produced graph. This file can be directly opened with your browser and sent to a web server to work properly.
nodes and links arguments can be substituted by a netCoin object to add or change options to it.
Modesto Escobar, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca. See
Escobar, M. and Martinez-Uribe, L. (2020)
Network Coincidence Analysis: The netCoin
Journal of Statistical Software, 93, 1-32.
doi: 10.18637/jss.v093.i11.
# A character column (with separator)
frame <- data.frame(A = c("Man; Women", "Women; Women",
"Man; Man", "Undet.; Women; Man"))
data <- dichotomize(frame, "A", sep = "; ")[2:4]
C <- coin(data) # coincidence matrix
N <- asNodes(C) # node data frame
E <- edgeList(C) # edge data frame
netCoin(N, E) # netCoin object