Compute Soil Carbon Fluxes for the National Ecological Observatory Network Sites

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Documentation for package ‘neonSoilFlux’ version 1.0.0

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acquire_neon_data Acquire NEON data for processing
check_qf_flags Internal helper function to determine availability of data within a time interval
co2_to_umol Convert co2 concentration from ppm to µmol m-3 units
compute_monthly_mean Function to compute monthly means for a given month of NEON data.
compute_neon_flux Compute NEON fluxes at a site
compute_surface_flux Internal fucntion to compute CO2 surface flux
correct_env_data Internal function that prepares downloaded NEON data for flux processing
dejong_shappert_flux Internal function to compute surface co2 flux at a given timepoint via De Jong and Schappert (1972)
depth_interpolate Internal function to interpolate different depth measurements
determine_position Internal function to determine the depth of a measurement
diffusivity Compute soil diffusivity
env_fingerprint_plot Helper function to plot QF results for environmental measurements.
fit_function Internal function that interpolates a soil measurement to different depths
flux_fingerprint_plot Helper function to plot QF results for fluxes.
hirano_flux Internal function to compute surface co2 flux at a given timepoint via Hirano et al 2005
insert_mean Internal function that inserts smoothed mean value of a measurement at a site
inside_interval Determine if a YYYY-MM string is inside a interval
measurement_detect Internal function that makes sure for each time, position, and depth we have at least two data points for soil temp and soil h20, 3 for soil co2
measurement_merge Internal function that filters environmental data for easier processing of fluxes.
quadrature_error Helper function to quickly compute the quadrature error
sjer_env_data_2022_06 Measured environmental data at a NEON site
sjer_flux_2022_06 Computed flux values at a NEON site
sjer_megapit_data_2022_06 Measured soil physical properties at a NEON site
swc_correct Internal function to correct depths for VSWC NEON data.
swc_corrections Corrected sensor locations for NEON soil water content data
tang_2003_flux Internal function to compute surface co2 flux at a given timepoint via Tang et al 2003
tang_2005_flux Internal function to compute surface co2 flux at a given timepoint via Tang et al 2005