R Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module

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Documentation for package ‘neldermead’ version 1.0-12

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neldermead-package R port of the Scilab neldermead module
boxlinesearch Nelder-Mead Algorithm
costf.transposex Cost Function Call
fmin.gridsearch Grid evaluation of an unconstrained cost function
fminbnd Computation of the constrained minimimum of given function with the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
fminbnd.function fminbnd Cost Function Call
fminbnd.outputfun fminbnd Output Function Call
fminsearch Computation of the unconstrained minimum of given function with the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
fminsearch.function fminsearch Cost Function Call
fminsearch.outputfun fminsearch Output Function Call
is.neldermead S3 neldermead object
neldermead S3 neldermead object
neldermead.algo Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.autorestart Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.box Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.costf Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.destroy Erase a neldermead object.
neldermead.fixed Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.function Call Cost Function.
neldermead.get Get the value for the given element
neldermead.interpolate Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.isrkelley Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.isroneill Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.istorestart Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.log Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.outputcmd Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.restart Restart neldermead search.
neldermead.scaletocenter Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.scaletox0 Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.search Starts the optimization
neldermead.set Neldermead Object Configuration
neldermead.startup Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.storehistory Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.termination Nelder-Mead Algorithm
neldermead.termstartup Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.updatesimp Secondary functions for neldermead.search
neldermead.variable Nelder-Mead Algorithm
optimget Queries an optimization option list
optimset Configures and returns an optimization data structure.
optimset.method Default set of optimization options
print.neldermead S3 neldermead object
scaleinconstraints Secondary functions for neldermead.search
summary.neldermead S3 neldermead object