nebula {nebula}R Documentation

Association analysis of a multi-subject single-cell data set using a fast negative binomial mixed model


Association analysis of a multi-subject single-cell data set using a fast negative binomial mixed model


  pred = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  min = c(1e-04, 1e-04),
  max = c(10, 1000),
  model = "NBGMM",
  method = "LN",
  cutoff_cell = 20,
  kappa = 800,
  opt = "lbfgs",
  verbose = TRUE,
  cpc = 0.005,
  mincp = 5,
  covariance = FALSE,
  output_re = FALSE,
  reml = 0,
  ncore = 2,
  fmaxsize = Inf



A raw count matrix of the single-cell data. The rows are the genes, and the columns are the cells. The matrix can be a matrix object or a sparse dgCMatrix object.


A vector of subject IDs. The length should be the same as the number of columns of the count matrix.


A design matrix of the predictors. The rows are the cells and the columns are the predictors. If not specified, an intercept column will be generated by default.


A vector of the scaling factor. The values must be strictly positive. If not specified, a vector of all ones will be generated by default.


Minimum values for the overdispersions parameters σ2\sigma^2 and ϕ\phi. Must be positive. The default is c(1e-4,1e-4).


Maximum values for the overdispersions parameters σ2\sigma^2 and ϕ\phi. Must be positive. The default is c(10,1000).


'NBGMM', 'PMM' or 'NBLMM'. 'NBGMM' is for fitting a negative binomial gamma mixed model. 'PMM' is for fitting a Poisson gamma mixed model. 'NGLMM' is for fitting a negative binomial lognormal mixed model (the same model as that in the lme4 package). The default is 'NBGMM'.


'LN' or 'HL'. 'LN' is to use NEBULA-LN and 'HL' is to use NEBULA-HL. The default is 'LN'.


The data will be refit using NEBULA-HL to estimate both overdispersions if the product of the cells per subject and the estimated cell-level overdispersion parameter ϕ\phi is smaller than cutoff_cell. The default is 20.


Please see the vignettes for more details. The default is 800.


'lbfgs' or 'trust'. Specifying the optimization algorithm used in NEBULA-LN. The default is 'lbfgs'. If it is 'trust', a trust region algorithm based on the Hessian matrix will be used for optimization.


An optional logical scalar indicating whether to print additional messages. Default is FALSE.


A non-negative threshold for filtering low-expression genes. Genes with counts per cell smaller than the specified value will not be analyzed.


A positive integer threshold for filtering low-expression genes. A gene will not be analyzed if its number of cells that have a non-zero count is smaller than the specified value .


If TRUE, nebula will output the covariance matrix for the estimated log(FC), which can be used for testing contrasts.


If TRUE, nebula will output the subject-level random effects. Only effective for model='NBGMM' or 'NBLMM'.


Either 0 (default) or 1. If it is one, REML will be used to estimate the overdispersions.


The number of cores used for parallel computing.


The maximum allowed total size (in bytes) of global variables (future.globals.maxSize) when using parallel computing.


summary: The estimated coefficient, standard error and p-value for each predictor.

overdispersion: The estimated cell-level and subject-level overdispersions σ2\sigma^2 and ϕ1\phi^{-1}.

convergence: More information about the convergence of the algorithm for each gene. A value of -20 or lower indicates a potential failure of the convergence. A value of one indicates that the convergence is reached due to a sufficiently small improvement of the function value. A value of -10 indicates that the convergence is reached because the gradients are close to zero (i.e., the critical point) and no improvement of the function value can be found.

algorithm: The algorithm used for analyzing the gene. More information can be found in the vignettes.

covariance: The covariance matrix for the estimated log(FC).

random_effect: The subject-level random effects.


pred = model.matrix(~X1+X2+cc,data=sample_data$pred)
re = nebula(count=sample_data$count,id=sample_data$sid,pred=pred)

[Package nebula version 1.5.3 Index]