table_neat {neatStats}R Documentation

Table, descriptives


Creates a neat means (or similar descriptives) and standard deviations table, using aggr_neat functions as arguments. Alternatively, merges and transposes data frames into rows.


  group_by = NULL,
  group_per = "rows",
  to_clipboard = FALSE,
  method = "mean+sd",
  transpose = FALSE



Data frames as returned from the aggr_neat function: variables from which the statistics for the table are to be calculated. The group_by, method, and prefix parameters are ignored when they are given in the table_neat function; see Details and also an extensive example via


String, or vector of strings: the name(s) of the column(s) in the dat given data frame, containing the vector(s) of factors by which the statistics are grouped. (Overwrites group_by in aggr_neat; see Details.)


String, "rows" or "columns". If set to "columns" (or just "c" or "col", etc.), each column contains statistics for one group. Otherwise (default), each row contains statistics for one group.


Logical. If TRUE, the table is copied to the clipboard (default: FALSE).


Function or string; overwrites the method argument in aggr_neat when used within this function. See method in the aggr_neat function for details. Default value: "mean+sd" (to calculate means and standard deviations table).


Logical (default: FALSE) or string. If TRUE or string, ignores all other parameters (except values_list), but merges all values from given list of data frames (as returned from the aggr_neat) and transposes them into a single row, using, by default, the "aggr_group" column values for new headers (corresponding to the output of aggr_neat; see Examples). However, a string given as argument for the transpose parameter can also specify a custom column name.


The values, round_to, and new_name arguments given in the aggr_neat function are always applied. However, the prefix parameter will be overwritten as NULL. If new_name in aggr_neat is NULL, the given input variable names will be used instead of "aggr_value". Furthermore, the group_by or method given in the aggr_neat function are only applied when no arguments are given in the table_neat function for the identical parameters (group_by or medians). If either parameter is given in the table_neat function, all separately given respective argument(s) in the aggr_neat function(s) are ignored.


Returns a data frame with means or medians and SDs per variable and per group.

See Also

aggr_neat for more related details


data("mtcars") # load base R example dataset

# overall means and SDs table for disp (Displacement) and hp (Gross horsepower)
table_neat(list(aggr_neat(mtcars, disp),
                aggr_neat(mtcars, hp)))

# means and SDs table for mpg (Miles/(US) gallon), wt (Weight), and hp (Gross horsepower)
# grouped by cyl (Number of cylinders)
# each measure rounded to respective optimal number of digits
# wt renamed to weight (for the column title)
    aggr_neat(mtcars, mpg, round_to = 1),
    aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, new_name = 'weight', round_to = 2),
    aggr_neat(mtcars, hp, round_to = 0)
group_by = 'cyl')

# same as above, but with medians, and with groups per columns
        aggr_neat(mtcars, mpg, round_to = 1),
        aggr_neat(mtcars, wt, new_name = 'weight', round_to = 2),
        aggr_neat(mtcars, hp, round_to = 0)
    group_by = 'cyl',
    method = 'median+sd',
    group_per = 'columns'

# an extensive example to show how to collect and aggregate raw data is
# available via the README file at the repository:

[Package neatStats version 1.13.3 Index]