ndtv-package |
Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv) |
compute.animation |
Compute a sequence of vertex layouts over time suitable for rendering an animation. |
effect.edgeAgeColor |
functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects' |
effect.vertexAgeColor |
functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects' |
effectFun |
functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects' |
effects |
functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects' |
export.dot |
Export a network file as Graphviz .dot formatted text file. |
export.pajek.net |
Export a network file as a Pajek .net formatted text file. |
filmstrip |
Create a 'small multiples' plot of a networkDynamic object. |
install.ffmpeg |
Instructions for installing ffmpeg on various platforms |
install.graphviz |
Instructions for installing the Graphviz libraries on various platforms |
layout.center |
Functions to center and normalize the coordinates of a network plot within a window. |
layout.distance |
Provides a default way to convert a network into a set of euclidian distances suitable for MDS-style layout optimization. |
layout.normalize |
Functions to center and normalize the coordinates of a network plot within a window. |
msm.sim |
MSM.sim : output of a stergm simulation of basic sex contact network model |
ndtv |
Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv) |
ndtvAnimationWidget |
htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps |
ndtvAnimationWidgetOutput |
htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps |
network.layout.animate.Graphviz |
Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations. |
network.layout.animate.kamadakawai |
Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations. |
network.layout.animate.MDSJ |
Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations. |
network.layout.animate.useAttribute |
Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations. |
proximity.timeline |
Plot a chart of a networkDynamic object in which vertices trace out paths in time, positioned vertically so that their proximity corresponds to their relative geodesic distance at the sampled time points. |
render.animation |
Render animations of 'networkDynamic' objects as movies in various formats |
render.d3movie |
Render out a web-based animation of a networkDynamic object using ndtv-d3 player app |
renderNdtvAnimationWidget |
htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps |
short.stergm.sim |
Very Very Basic stergm simulation output |
slice.par |
Compute a sequence of vertex layouts over time suitable for rendering an animation. |
stergm.sim.1 |
Very Very Basic stergm simulation output |
timeline |
Plot a timeline for the edge and vertex spells of a network |
timePrism |
Plot a networkDynamic object as sequence of snapshots in a pseudo-3D space-time prism |
toy_epi_sim |
Toy Epidemic Simulation Output from the EpiModel package |
transmissionTimeline |
plots network diffusion/transmission tree with generation time vs. clock/model time |