Network Dynamic Temporal Visualizations

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Documentation for package ‘ndtv’ version 0.13.3

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ndtv-package Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv)
compute.animation Compute a sequence of vertex layouts over time suitable for rendering an animation.
effect.edgeAgeColor functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects'
effect.vertexAgeColor functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects'
effectFun functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects'
effects functions to manipulate graphic attributes of network for 'special effects' Export a network file as Graphviz .dot formatted text file. Export a network file as a Pajek .net formatted text file.
filmstrip Create a 'small multiples' plot of a networkDynamic object.
install.ffmpeg Instructions for installing ffmpeg on various platforms
install.graphviz Instructions for installing the Graphviz libraries on various platforms Functions to center and normalize the coordinates of a network plot within a window.
layout.distance Provides a default way to convert a network into a set of euclidian distances suitable for MDS-style layout optimization.
layout.normalize Functions to center and normalize the coordinates of a network plot within a window.
msm.sim MSM.sim : output of a stergm simulation of basic sex contact network model
ndtv Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv)
ndtvAnimationWidget htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps
ndtvAnimationWidgetOutput htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps
network.layout.animate.Graphviz Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations.
network.layout.animate.kamadakawai Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations.
network.layout.animate.MDSJ Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations.
network.layout.animate.useAttribute Sequentially-stable network layout algorithms suitable for generating network animations.
proximity.timeline Plot a chart of a networkDynamic object in which vertices trace out paths in time, positioned vertically so that their proximity corresponds to their relative geodesic distance at the sampled time points.
render.animation Render animations of 'networkDynamic' objects as movies in various formats
render.d3movie Render out a web-based animation of a networkDynamic object using ndtv-d3 player app
renderNdtvAnimationWidget htmlwidgets wrapper functions for including ndtv-d3 animations in shinyapps
short.stergm.sim Very Very Basic stergm simulation output
slice.par Compute a sequence of vertex layouts over time suitable for rendering an animation.
stergm.sim.1 Very Very Basic stergm simulation output
timeline Plot a timeline for the edge and vertex spells of a network
timePrism Plot a networkDynamic object as sequence of snapshots in a pseudo-3D space-time prism
toy_epi_sim Toy Epidemic Simulation Output from the EpiModel package
transmissionTimeline plots network diffusion/transmission tree with generation time vs. clock/model time