Techniques for Automated Classifiers

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Documentation for package ‘ncodeR’ version

Help Pages Title Title
autocode Match a list of expressions against some set of excerpts
code.set Create CodeSet
CodeSet CodeSet
create.code Create a code
differences Find Differences
expression.match Expression Matching
getHandSetIndices Handset indices
getHandSetIndices2 Get indices to code
handcode Handcode excerpts
ncode Wrapper for the entire coding process
ncodeR ncodeR for qualitative coding
old_test Calculate statistics
print.summary.Code Print a Code summary
print.summary.CodeSet Print the summary of a CodeSet
print.summary.TestList Print a TestList summary
RegexCode RegexCode
resolve Resolve differences Rescushell Chat Data
summary.Code Obtain summary of a Code object
summary.CodeSet Obtain a summary of the CodeSet
summary.TestList Obtain a summary of a Code's test results
test Title