Named Capture to Data Tables

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Documentation for package ‘nc’ version 2024.2.21

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alternatives alternatives
alternatives_with_shared_groups alternatives with shared groups
altlist altlist
apply_type_funs apply type funs
capture_all_str Capture all matches in a single subject string
capture_first_df Capture first match in columns of a data frame
capture_first_glob capture first glob
capture_first_vec Capture first match in each character vector element
capture_longer_spec capture longer spec
capture_melt_multiple Capture and melt into multiple columns
capture_melt_single Capture and melt into a single column
check_df_names check df names
check_names check names
collapse_some collapse some
field Capture a field
group Capture group
measure measure
measure_multiple measure multiple
measure_single measure single
melt_list melt list
nc Capture first match in each character vector element
only_captures only captures
quantifier quantifier
stop_for_capture_same_as_id stop for capture same as id
stop_for_engine stop for engine
stop_for_subject stop for subject
subject_var_args subject var args
try_or_stop_print_pattern try or stop print pattern
var_args_list var args list