Naive Bayes Transmission Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘nbTransmission’ version 1.1.4

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clusterInfectors Clusters the infectors based on their transmission probabilities
estimateR Estimates the effective reproductive number
estimateRi Estimates individual-level reproductive numbers
estimateRt Estimates time-level reproductive numbers
estimateRtAvg Estimates the average effective reproductive number
estimateSI Estimates the generation/serial interval distribution
indData Individual-level simulated outbreak dataset
indToPair Transforms a dataset of individuals to a dataset of pairs
nbHeatmap Plots a heatmap of the relative transmission probabilities
nbNetwork Plots a network of the relative transmission probabilities
nbProbabilities Estimates relative transmission probabilities
nbResults Dataset with results of 'nbProbabilities'
pairData Pair-level simulated outbreak dataset
performNB Performs naive bayes classification
performPEM Executes the PEM algorthim to estimate the generation/serial interval distribution
plotRt Creates a plot of the effective reproductive number