File System Utility Functions for 'NeuroAnatomy Toolbox'

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Documentation for package ‘nat.utils’ version 0.6.1

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abs2rel Remove common part of two paths, leaving relative path
common_path Find common prefix of two or more (normalised) file paths
file.swap Swap names of two files (by renaming first to a temporary file)
find_extdata Construct paths to files in the extdata folder of a package
gzip.crc Extract the CRC (32 bit hash) of a gzip file
is.gzip Check if a file is a gzip file
makelock Make and remove (NFS safe) lock files
make_chunks Split inputs into a number of chunks
ncpus Return number of cpus (or a default on failure)
read_nl_from_parts Make a neuronlist object from two separate files
removelock Make and remove (NFS safe) lock files
RunCmdForNewerInput Run a command if input files are newer than outputs
save_nl_in_parts Save a neuronlist object into separate data and metadata parts
split_path Split file path into individual components (optionally including separators)
touch Use unix touch utility to change file's timestamp
zipinfo Return information about a zip archive using system unzip command
zipok Verify integrity of one or more zip files