Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R

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Documentation for package ‘nanotime’ version 0.3.7

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A C F I L M N P R S T U misc

nanotime-package Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- A --

abs-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
all.equal-method Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal-method Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal-method Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal-method Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal.nanoduration Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal.nanoival Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal.nanoperiod Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
all.equal.nanotime Test if Two Objects are (Nearly) Equal
Arith-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Arith-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Arith-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.character-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
as.character-method Period type with nanosecond precision
as.character.nanoival Interval type with nanosecond precision
as.character.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.Date.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.integer64.nanoduration Duration type with nanosecond precision
as.integer64.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.nanoduration Duration type with nanosecond precision
as.nanoduration-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
as.nanoival Interval type with nanosecond precision
as.nanoival-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
as.nanoperiod Period type with nanosecond precision
as.nanoperiod-method Period type with nanosecond precision
as.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.nanotime-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.POSIXct.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
as.POSIXlt.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- C --

c.nanoduration Duration type with nanosecond precision
c.nanoival Interval type with nanosecond precision
c.nanoperiod Period type with nanosecond precision
c.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
Compare-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Compare-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Compare-method Period type with nanosecond precision
Compare-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
Complex-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Complex-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Complex-method Period type with nanosecond precision
Complex-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- F --

format.nanoduration Duration type with nanosecond precision
format.nanoival Interval type with nanosecond precision
format.nanoperiod Period type with nanosecond precision
format.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- I --

index2char.nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
intersect-method Set operations
intersect.idx Set operations
intersect.idx-method Set operations Duration type with nanosecond precision Interval type with nanosecond precision Period type with nanosecond precision Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality<--method Interval type with nanosecond precision<--method Period type with nanosecond precision
is.unsorted-method Test if a 'nanoival' vector is Not Sorted

-- L --

Logic-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Logic-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Logic-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- M --

Math-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Math-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Math-method Period type with nanosecond precision
Math-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
Math2-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Math2-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Math2-method Period type with nanosecond precision
Math2-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
max-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
max-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
min-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
min-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
minus Period type with nanosecond precision
minus-method Period type with nanosecond precision

-- N --

names-method Period type with nanosecond precision
names<--method Period type with nanosecond precision
names<--method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
nanoduration Duration type with nanosecond precision
nanoduration-class Duration type with nanosecond precision
nanoival Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival-class Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.end Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.end-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.eopen Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.eopen-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.sopen Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.sopen-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.start Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoival.start-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
nanoperiod Period type with nanosecond precision
nanoperiod-class Period type with nanosecond precision Nanoperiod accessors Nanoperiod accessors
nanoperiod.month Nanoperiod accessors
nanoperiod.month-method Nanoperiod accessors
nanoperiod.nanoduration Nanoperiod accessors
nanoperiod.nanoduration-method Nanoperiod accessors
nanotime Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
nanotime-class Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
nanotime-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
nanotime.matrix Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
nano_ceiling Rounding down or up a 'nanotime' type
nano_ceiling-method Rounding down or up a 'nanotime' type
nano_floor Rounding down or up a 'nanotime' type
nano_floor-method Rounding down or up a 'nanotime' type
nano_mday Get a component of a date time
nano_mday-method Get a component of a date time
nano_month Get a component of a date time
nano_month-method Get a component of a date time
nano_wday Get a component of a date time
nano_wday-method Get a component of a date time
nano_year Get a component of a date time
nano_year-method Get a component of a date time
NA_nanoduration_ Duration type with nanosecond precision
NA_nanoival_ Interval type with nanosecond precision
NA_nanoperiod_ Period type with nanosecond precision
NA_nanotime_ Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- P --

plus Period type with nanosecond precision
plus-method Period type with nanosecond precision
print-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
print-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
print-method Period type with nanosecond precision
print-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- R --

range-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
range-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
rep-method Replicate Elements
rep-method Replicate Elements
rep-method Replicate Elements
rep-method Replicate Elements

-- S --

seq-method Sequence Generation
seq-method Sequence Generation
seq.nanoduration Sequence Generation
seq.nanotime Sequence Generation
setdiff-method Set operations
setdiff.idx Set operations
setdiff.idx-method Set operations
show-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
show-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
show-method Period type with nanosecond precision
show-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
sign-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
sort-method Sorting or Ordering Vectors
sum-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Summary-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
Summary-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
Summary-method Period type with nanosecond precision
Summary-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality

-- T --

t-method Interval type with nanosecond precision

-- U --

union-method Set operations

-- misc --

!=-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
!=-method Period type with nanosecond precision
%in%-method Set operations
%in%.nanotime Set operations
*-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
*-method Period type with nanosecond precision
+-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
+-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
+-method Period type with nanosecond precision
+-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
--method Duration type with nanosecond precision
--method Interval type with nanosecond precision
--method Period type with nanosecond precision
--method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
/-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
/-method Period type with nanosecond precision
<-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
<=-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
==-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
==-method Period type with nanosecond precision
>-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
>=-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
[-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
[-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
[-method Period type with nanosecond precision
[-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
[<--method Duration type with nanosecond precision
[<--method Interval type with nanosecond precision
[<--method Period type with nanosecond precision
[<--method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality
[[-method Duration type with nanosecond precision
[[-method Interval type with nanosecond precision
[[-method Period type with nanosecond precision
[[-method Nanosecond resolution datetime functionality