nametagger_options {nametagger}R Documentation

Define text transformations serving as predictive elements in the nametagger model


Define text transformations which are relevant in predicting your entity. Typical text transformations are the token itself, the lemma, the parts of speech tag of the token or the token/lemma's and parts of speech tags in the neighbourhood of the word.

Each argument should be a list with elements use and window.

If you specifiy the argument without specifying use, it will by default use it. For arguments brown, gazetteers and gazetteers_enhanced, see the examples and the documentation at


  file = "nametagger.ner",
  type = c("generic", "english", "czech"),
  tagger = c("trivial", "external"),
  token = list(use = FALSE, window = 1),
  token_capitalised = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  token_normalised = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  token_normalisedsuffix = list(use = FALSE, window = 0, from = 1, to = 4),
  lemma = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  lemma_capitalised = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  lemma_normalised = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  lemma_normalisedsuffix = list(use = FALSE, window = 0, from = 1, to = 4),
  pos = list(use = tagger == "external", window = 0),
  time = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  url_email = list(use = FALSE, url = "URL", email = "EMAIL"),
  ner_previous = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  brown = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  gazetteers = list(use = FALSE, window = 0),
  gazetteers_enhanced = list(use = FALSE)



path to the filename where the model will be saved


either one of 'generic', 'english' or 'czech'. See the documentation at the documentation at


either one of 'trivial' (no lemma used in the training data), 'external' (you provided your own lemma in the training data)


use forms as features


use capitalization of form as features


use case normalized (first character as-is, others lowercased) forms as features


shortest longest – use suffixes of case normalized (first character as-is, others lowercased) forms of lengths between shortest and longest


use raw lemmas as features


use capitalization of raw lemma as features


use case normalized (first character as-is, others lowercased) raw lemmas as features


shortest longest – use suffixes of case normalized (first character as-is, others lowercased) raw lemmas of lengths between shortest and longest


use parts-of-speech tags as features


recognize numbers which could represent hours, minutes, hour:minute time, days, months or years


If an URL or an email is detected, it is immediately marked with specified named entity type and not used in further processing. The specified entity label to use can be specified with url and email (in that sequence)


use named entities predicted by previous stage as features


file [prefix_lengths] – use Brown clusters found in the specified file. An optional list of lengths of cluster prefixes to be used in addition to the full Brown cluster can be specified.


[files] – use given files as gazetteers. Each file is one gazetteers list independent of the others and must contain a set of lemma sequences, each on a line, represented as raw lemmas separated by spaces.


(form|rawlemma|rawlemmas) (embed_in_model|out_of_model) file_base entity [file_base entity ...] – use gazetteers from given files. Each gazetteer contains (possibly multiword) named entities per line. Matching of the named entities can be performed either using form, disambiguated rawlemma of any of rawlemmas proposed by the morphological analyzer. The gazetteers might be embedded in the model file or not; in either case, additional gazetteers are loaded during each startup. For each file_base specified in GazetteersEnhanced templates, three files are tried:

  • file_base.txt: gazetteers used as features, representing each file_base with a unique feature

  • file_base.hard_pre.txt: matched named entities (finding non-overlapping entities, preferring the ones starting earlier and longer ones in case of ties) are forced to the specified entity type even before the NER model is executed

  • file_base.hard_post.txt: after running the NER model, tokens not recognized as entities are matched against the gazetteers (again finding non-overlapping entities, preferring the ones starting earlier and longer ones in case of ties) and marked as entity type if found


an object of class nametagger_options with transformation information to be used by nametagger


opts <- nametagger_options(token = list(window = 2))
opts <- nametagger_options(time = list(use = TRUE, window = 3),
                           token_capitalised = list(use = TRUE, window = 1),
                           ner_previous = list(use = TRUE, window = 5))
opts <- nametagger_options(
  lemma_capitalised = list(window = 3),
  brown = list(window = 1, file = "path/to/brown/clusters/file.txt"),
  gazetteers = list(window = 1, 
                    file_loc = "path/to/txt/file1.txt", 
                    file_time = "path/to/txt/file2.txt"))
opts <- nametagger_options(
  lemma_capitalised = list(window = 3),
  brown = list(window = 2, 
               file = "path/to/brown/clusters/file.txt"),
  gazetteers_enhanced = list(
    loc  = "LOC",  type_loc  = "form", save_loc  = "embed_in_model", file_loc  = "pathto/loc.txt",  
    time = "TIME", type_time = "form", save_time = "embed_in_model", file_time = "pathto/time.txt")

[Package nametagger version 0.1.3 Index]