grfx {nadiv}R Documentation

Simulated genetic random effects


This function simulates effects for random terms in a linear mixed model based on relatedness matrices. The intended purpose is for simulating genetic and environmental effects from a pedigree.


grfx(n, G, incidence = NULL, output = "matrix", stdnorms = NULL, warn = TRUE)



The number of individuals for which to simulate effects


The variance-covariance matrix to model the effects after


A matrix of the covariance structure of the 'n' individuals or the Cholesky factorization of class CHMfactor for this structure.


Format for the output


Standard normal deviates to use


Should a warning message be produced when the function interprets what to do based on the object class supplied to incidence


The total number of effects simulated will be n*d, where d is the number of columns in the 'G' matrix. The standard normal deviates can be supplied instead of generated within the function when stdnorms != NULL. The length of this vector must be n*nrow(G).

Supplied incidence matrices should be n-by-n symmetric matrices or cholesky factorizations that resulted from a call to Matrix::Cholesky(). For simulated random effects using design matrices, see drfx. If no incidence matrix is supplied, incidence = NULL, the Identity matrix is used, which assumes that all 'n' random effects are independently and identically distributed (default to Identity matrix).

See examples for how to make and use a Cholesky factorized incidence matrix, for instance in a Monte Carlo simulation. Whether such an approach results in performance of speed improvements within the Monte Carlo simulation, by avoiding a Cholesky decomposition of a large matrix at each iteration, has not been tested. Setting warn = FALSE will suppress the warnings that the function is assuming a Cholesky factorization is contained in the object supplied to the incidence argument. Currently, Cholesky factorizations must inherit from the class “CHMfactor”.

If G = x, where 'x' is a single number, then 'x' should still be specified as a 1-by-1 matrix (e.g., matrix(x)). Note, the G-matrix should never have a structure which produces a correlation exactly equal to 1 or -1. Instead, covariances should be specified so as to create a correlation of slightly less than (greater than) 1 (-1). For example: 0.9999 or -0.9999.


The random effects coerced to be in the format specified by output. The default is a "matrix".


See Also

MCMCglmm, drfx, makeA, makeAA, makeD, makeDomEpi, makeDsim, makeS


# Create additive genetic breeding values for 2 uncorrelated traits
# with different additive genetic variances
  A <- makeA(warcolak[1:200, 1:3])
  Gmat <- matrix(c(20, 0, 0, 10), 2, 2)
  breedingValues <- grfx(n = 200, G = Gmat, incidence = A)

 # Now with a user supplied set of standard normal deviates
  snorms <- rnorm(nrow(warcolak[1:200,]) * ncol(Gmat))
  breedingValues2a <- grfx(n = 200, G = Gmat, incidence = A, stdnorms = snorms)
  breedingValues2b <- grfx(n = 200, G = Gmat, incidence = A, stdnorms = snorms)
  identical(breedingValues2a, breedingValues2b)  #<-- TRUE

 # User supplied Cholesky factorization of the incidence matrix from above
  cA <- Cholesky(A, LDL = FALSE, super = FALSE) 
    inherits(cA, "CHMfactor")  #<-- TRUE
  breedingValues3 <- grfx(n = 200, G = Gmat, incidence = cA, stdnorms = snorms)
  all.equal(breedingValues2a, breedingValues3)  #<-- TRUE

[Package nadiv version 2.18.0 Index]