impute-noncommutative {}R Documentation

non-commutative imputation Impute missing values using non-commutative functions, i.e. where the order matters.


non-commutative imputation

Impute missing values using non-commutative functions, i.e. where the order matters.


na.cummax(.x, ...)

na.cummin(.x, ...)

na.cumsum(.x, ...)

na.cumprod(.x, ...)



atomic-vector with 0 or more missing values


additional arguments


Non-commutative imputations functions assume that .x is in the proper order since the values depend on order. Usually, this is relevant then .x is part of a table.

These functions replaces NA values with the cummulative max of .x. Internally, fun(.x, na.rm=TRUE, ... ) is used. If the function cannot be calculated (e.g. .x isn't numeric) then x is returned unchanged with a warning.

Use of na.cumsum and na.cumprod are dangerous since they omit missing values that may contribute to

See Also

[Package version 0.3.1 Index]