mc_filter {myClim}R Documentation

Filter data from myClim object


This function filter data by localities and sensors.


  localities = NULL,
  sensors = NULL,
  reverse = FALSE,
  stop_if_empty = TRUE



myClim object see myClim-package


locality_ids for filtering data; if NULL then do nothing


sensor_names for filtering data; if NULL then do nothing see names(mc_data_sensors)


if TRUE then input localities and/or sensors are excluded (default FALSE)


if TRUE then error for empty output (default TRUE)


In default settings it returns the object containing input sensors / localities. When you provide vector of localities e.g. localities=c("A6W79", "A2E32") selected localities are filtered with all sensors on those localities. The same as When you provide vector of sensors sensors=c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"), selected sensors are filtered through all localities. When you combine localities and sensors, then filtering return selected sensors on selected localities.

When reverse = TRUE and using only localities parameter then the listed localities are removed. Similarly reverse = TRUE with proving only sensors parameter, then the listed sensors are removed from all localities. When using reverse = TRUE and combining sensors and localities parameters then selected sensors are removed from selected localities.


filtered myClim object


## keep only "A6W79", "A2E32" localities with all their sensors
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, localities=c("A6W79", "A2E32"))

## remove "A6W79", "A2E32" localities and keep all others
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, localities=c("A6W79", "A2E32"), reverse=TRUE)

## keep only "TMS_T1", and "TMS_T2" sensors on all localities
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, sensors=c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"))

## remove "TMS_T1", and "TMS_T2" sensors from all localities
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, sensors=c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"),reverse=TRUE)

## keep only "TMS_T1", and "TMS_T2" sensors on "A6W79", "A2E32" localities
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, localities=c("A6W79", "A2E32"),
                           sensors=c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"))

## remove "TMS_T1", and "TMS_T2" sensors from "A6W79", "A2E32" localities
## and keep all other sensors and localities
filtered_data <- mc_filter(mc_data_example_raw, localities=c("A6W79", "A2E32"),
                           sensors=c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"), reverse=TRUE)

[Package myClim version 1.1.0 Index]