Solvers for Maximum Weight Connected Subgraph Problem and Its Variants

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Documentation for package ‘mwcsr’ version 0.1.8

Help Pages

annealing_solver Construct an annealing solver
bionet_example Example MWCS instance obtained from BioNet package tutorial
gam_example GAM instance for MWCS problem
gatom_example Example of graph from which an SGMWCS instance can be obtained
get_instance_type Check the type and the validity of an MWCS instance
get_weight Calculate weight of the solution. MWCS, GMWCS and SGMWCS instances are supported
gmwcs_example Example GMWCS instance
gmwcs_small_instance Small example of GMWCS instance for demonstration purposes.
mwcs_example Example MWCS instance
mwcs_small_instance Small example of MWCS instance for demonstration purposes.
normalize_sgmwcs_instance Helper function to convert an 'igraph' object into a proper SGMWCS instance
parameters The method returns all parameters supported by specific solver
rmwcs_solver Generate a rmwcs solver
rnc_solver Construct relax-and-cut SGMWCS solver
scipjack_solver Construct a SCIP-jack solver
set_parameters Sets values of specific parameters
sgmwcs_example Example SGMWCS instance
sgmwcs_small_instance Small example of SGMWCS instance for demonstration purposes.
solve_mwcsp Solves a MWCS instance.
solve_mwcsp.rmwcs_solver Solves a MWCS instance.
solve_mwcsp.rnc_solver Solves a MWCS instance.
solve_mwcsp.scipjack_solver Solves a MWCS instance.
solve_mwcsp.simulated_annealing_solver Solves a MWCS instance.
solve_mwcsp.virgo_solver Solves a MWCS instance.
timelimit<- Sets time limitation for a solver
virgo_solver Construct a virgo solver