Multivariate Hypothesis Tests

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Documentation for package ‘mvhtests’ version 1.0

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mvhtests-package Multivariate Hypothesis Tests
eel.test1 Exponential empirical likelihood for a one sample mean vector hypothesis testing
eel.test2 Exponential empirical likelihood hypothesis testing for two mean vectors
el.test1 Empirical likelihood for a one sample mean vector hypothesis testing
el.test2 Empirical likelihood hypothesis testing for two mean vectors
equal.cov Log-likelihood ratio test for equality of one covariance matrix
hotel1T2 Hotelling's multivariate version of the 1 sample t-test for Euclidean data
hotel2T2 Hotelling's multivariate version of the 2 sample t-test for Euclidean data
james James multivariate version of the t-test
james.hotel Relationship between the Hotelling's T^2 and James' test
likel.cov Log-likelihood ratio test for equality of two or more covariance matrices
maov Multivariate analysis of variance assuming equality of the covariance matrices
maovjames Multivariate analysis of variance (James test)
maovjames.hotel Relationship between Hotelling's T^2 test and James' MANOVA
Mtest.cov Box's M test for equality of two or more covariance matrices
rm.hotel Repeated measures ANOVA (univariate data) using Hotelling's T^2 test
sarabai Hypothesis test for two high-dimensional mean vectors