mvgam_families {mvgam}R Documentation

Supported mvgam families


Supported mvgam families


tweedie(link = "log")

student_t(link = "identity")



nmix(link = "log")



a specification for the family link function. At present these cannot be changed


Arguments to be passed to the mgcv version of the associated functions


mvgam currently supports the following standard observation families:

In addition, the following extended families from the mgcv and brms packages are supported:

Finally, mvgam supports the three extended families described here:

Only poisson(), nb(), and tweedie() are available if using JAGS. All families, apart from tweedie(), are supported if using Stan.

Note that currently it is not possible to change the default link functions in mvgam, so any call to change these will be silently ignored


Objects of class family


Nicholas J Clark


# Example showing how to set up N-mixture models
# Simulate observations for species 1, which shows a declining trend and 0.7 detection probability
data.frame(site = 1,
          # five replicates per year; six years
          replicate = rep(1:5, 6),
          time = sort(rep(1:6, 5)),
          species = 'sp_1',
          # true abundance declines nonlinearly
          truth = c(rep(28, 5),
                    rep(26, 5),
                    rep(23, 5),
                    rep(16, 5),
                    rep(14, 5),
                    rep(14, 5)),
          # observations are taken with detection prob = 0.7
          obs = c(rbinom(5, 28, 0.7),
                  rbinom(5, 26, 0.7),
                  rbinom(5, 23, 0.7),
                  rbinom(5, 15, 0.7),
                  rbinom(5, 14, 0.7),
                  rbinom(5, 14, 0.7))) %>%
 # add 'series' information, which is an identifier of site, replicate and species
 dplyr::mutate(series = paste0('site_', site,
                               '_', species,
                               '_rep_', replicate),
               time = as.numeric(time),
               # add a 'cap' variable that defines the maximum latent N to
               # marginalize over when estimating latent abundance; in other words
               # how large do we realistically think the true abundance could be?
               cap = 80) %>%
 dplyr::select(- replicate) -> testdat

# Now add another species that has a different temporal trend and a smaller
# detection probability (0.45 for this species)
testdat = testdat %>%
 dplyr::bind_rows(data.frame(site = 1,
                             replicate = rep(1:5, 6),
                             time = sort(rep(1:6, 5)),
                             species = 'sp_2',
                             truth = c(rep(4, 5),
                                       rep(7, 5),
                                       rep(15, 5),
                                       rep(16, 5),
                                       rep(19, 5),
                                       rep(18, 5)),
                             obs = c(rbinom(5, 4, 0.45),
                                     rbinom(5, 7, 0.45),
                                     rbinom(5, 15, 0.45),
                                     rbinom(5, 16, 0.45),
                                     rbinom(5, 19, 0.45),
                                     rbinom(5, 18, 0.45))) %>%
                    dplyr::mutate(series = paste0('site_', site,
                                                  '_', species,
                                                  '_rep_', replicate),
                                  time = as.numeric(time),
                                  cap = 50) %>%

# series identifiers
testdat$species <- factor(testdat$species,
                          levels = unique(testdat$species))
testdat$series <- factor(testdat$series,
                         levels = unique(testdat$series))

# The trend_map to state how replicates are structured
testdat %>%
# each unique combination of site*species is a separate process
dplyr::mutate(trend = as.numeric(factor(paste0(site, species)))) %>%
 dplyr::select(trend, series) %>%
 dplyr::distinct() -> trend_map

# Fit a model
mod <- mvgam(
            # the observation formula sets up linear predictors for
            # detection probability on the logit scale
            formula = obs ~ species - 1,

            # the trend_formula sets up the linear predictors for
            # the latent abundance processes on the log scale
            trend_formula = ~ s(time, by = trend, k = 4) + species,

            # the trend_map takes care of the mapping
            trend_map = trend_map,

            # nmix() family and data
            family = nmix(),
            data = testdat,

            # priors can be set in the usual way
            priors = c(prior(std_normal(), class = b),
                       prior(normal(1, 1.5), class = Intercept_trend)),
            chains = 2)

# The usual diagnostics

# Plotting conditional effects
library(ggplot2); library(marginaleffects)
plot_predictions(mod, condition = 'species',
                 type = 'detection') +
     ylab('Pr(detection)') +
     ylim(c(0, 1)) +
     theme_classic() +
     theme(legend.position = 'none')

# Example showcasing how cbind() is needed for Binomial observations
# Simulate two time series of Binomial trials
trials <- sample(c(20:25), 50, replace = TRUE)
x <- rnorm(50)
detprob1 <- plogis(-0.5 + 0.9*x)
detprob2 <- plogis(-0.1 -0.7*x)
dat <- rbind(data.frame(y = rbinom(n = 50, size = trials, prob = detprob1),
                        time = 1:50,
                        series = 'series1',
                        x = x,
                        ntrials = trials),
             data.frame(y = rbinom(n = 50, size = trials, prob = detprob2),
                        time = 1:50,
                        series = 'series2',
                        x = x,
                        ntrials = trials))
dat <- dplyr::mutate(dat, series = as.factor(series))
dat <- dplyr::arrange(dat, time, series)

# Fit a model using the binomial() family; must specify observations
# and number of trials in the cbind() wrapper
mod <- mvgam(cbind(y, ntrials) ~ series + s(x, by = series),
             family = binomial(),
             data = dat)

[Package mvgam version 1.1.2 Index]