Multivariate Cauchy Distribution

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Documentation for package ‘mvcauchy’ version 1.0

Help Pages

mvcauchy-package Multivariate Cauchy Distribution
bivcauchy.contour Contour plot of the bivariate Cauchy distribution
cauchy.nb Cauchy naive Bayes classifier
cauchynb.pred Prediction with Cauchy naive Bayes classifier
cv.cauchynb Cross-validation for the maximum likelihood discriminant analysis using the multivariate Cauchy distribution
cv.mvcauchyda Cross-validation for the Cauchy discriminant analysis
dmvcauchy Density of the multivariate Cauchy distribution
mvcauchy.da Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis using the multivariate Cauchy distribution
mvcauchy.mle MLE of the multivariate Cauchy distribution
rmvcauchy Random values simulation from the multivariate Cauchy distribution