make.NAMESPACE {mvbutils}R Documentation

Auto-create a NAMESPACE file


Called by pre.install for would-be packages that have a .onLoad function, and are therefore assumed to want a namespace. Produces defaults for the import, export, and S3Methods. You can modify this information prior to the NAMESPACE file being created, using the pre-install hook mechanism. The default for import is taken from the DESCRIPTION file, but the defaults for export and S3 methods are deduced from your functions, and are described below.


# Don't call this directly-- pre.install will do it automatically for you
make.NAMESPACE( env=1, path=attr( env, "path"),
  description=read.dcf( file.path( path, "DESCRIPTION"))[1,], more.exports=character( 0))



character or numeric position on search path


directory where proto-package lives


(character) elements for the DESCRIPTION file, e.g. c( ..., Author="R.A. Fisher", ...). By default, read from existing file.


(character) things to export that normally wouldn't be.


There is (currently) no attempt to handle S4 methods.

The imported packages are those listed in the "Depends:" and "Imports:" field of the DESCRIPTION file. At present, all functions in those packages will be imported (i.e. no "importFrom" provision).

The exported functions are all those in find.documented(doctype="any") unless they appear to be S3 methods, plus any functions that have a non-NULL attribute. The latter is a cheap way of arranging for a function to be exported, but without formal documentation (is that wise??). pre.install will incorporate any undocumented functions in the "mypack-internal.Rd" file, so that RCMD CHECK will be happy.

The S3 methods are all the functions whose names start "<<generic>>." and whose first argument has the same name as in the appropriate <<generic>>. The generics that are checked are (i) the names of the character vector .knownS3Generics in package base; (ii) all functions that look like generics in any importees or dependees of your would-be package (i.e. functions in the namespace whose name is a prefix of a function in the S3 methods table of the namespace, and whose body contains a call to UseMethod); (iii) any plausible-looking generic in your would-be package (effectively the same criterion). Documented functions which look like methods but whose flat-doc documentation names them explicitly in the Usage section (e.g. referring to print.myclass(...) rather than just print(...), the latter being how you're supposed to document methods) are assumed not be methods.

See Also

pre.install, flatdoc

[Package mvbutils version 2.8.232 Index]