Multivariate Stochastic Linear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses

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Documentation for package ‘mvSLOUCH’ version 2.7.6

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mvSLOUCH-package Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic differential equation models for phylogenetic comparative data.
BrownianMotionModel Estimate parameters under a Brownian motion model of evolution
drawPhylProcess Plots the realization of a process evolving on a phylogenetic tree
estimate.evolutionary.model Wrapper function to find best (out of BM, OU, OUOU, OUBM) fitting evolutionary model and estimate its parameters.
fitch.mvsl Unordered Fitch parsimony reconstruction of discrete character states
generate.model.setups Generate a list of model setups for the function 'estimate.evolutionary.model'.
mvSLOUCH Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type stochastic differential equation models for phylogenetic comparative data.
mvslouchModel Estimate parameters under a (multivariate) OUBM model of evolution
ouchModel Estimate parameters under a (multivariate) OU model of evolution
OU_phylreg Performs a phylogenetic regression under a given OU model of evolution
OU_RSS Calculates the RSS under a (multivariate) phylogenetic OU model of evolution
OU_xVz Performs a vector matrix vector multiplcation under a (multivariate) phylogenetic OU model of evolution
parametric.bootstrap Parametric bootstrap for confidence intervals
phyltree_paths Extract path information from a phylogenetic tree
plot.clustered_phylo Plots a clustered_phylo object.
simulate_clustered_phylogeny Simulate a phylogenetic tree with a specified number of clades.
simulBMProcPhylTree Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) Brownian motion model
simulMVSLOUCHProcPhylTree Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OUBM model
simulOUCHProcPhylTree Simulate data on a phylogeny under a (multivariate) OU model
SummarizeBM Summarize parameters estimated under a Brownian motion model
SummarizeMVSLOUCH Summarize parameters estimated under a multivariate OUBM motion model
SummarizeOUCH Summarize parameters estimated under a (multivariate) OU motion model