CentroidsISCCNBS |
Centroid Notations for the Revised ISCC-NBS Color-Name Blocks |
ColorBlockFromMunsell |
Get ISCC-NBS Number and ISCC-NBS Name from Munsell HVC or Munsell Notation |
ColorlabFormatToMunsellSpec |
Convert Colorlab Munsell Format to Munsell HVC |
HueNumberFromString |
Convert Munsell Notation to numerical Munsell HVC |
HueStringFromNumber |
Convert Munsell Numeric to Munsell String Notation |
HVCfromMunsellName |
Convert Munsell Notation to numerical Munsell HVC |
IsWithinMacAdamLimits |
Test xyY Coordinates for being Inside the MacAdam Limits |
LabToMunsell |
Convert CIE Lab coordinates to Munsell HVC |
LabtoMunsell |
Convert CIE Lab coordinates to Munsell HVC |
LuvToMunsell |
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to Munsell HVC |
LuvtoMunsell |
Convert CIE Luv coordinates to Munsell HVC |
Munsell2xy |
The Munsell HVC to xy 3D Lookup Table |
MunsellHVC |
Convert Munsell Notation to numerical Munsell HVC |
MunsellNameFromHVC |
Convert Munsell Numeric to Munsell String Notation |
MunsellSpecToColorlabFormat |
Convert Munsell Specification to Colorlab Format |
MunsellToLab |
Convert a Munsell specification to CIE Lab coordinates |
MunsellToLuv |
Convert a Munsell specification to CIE Luv coordinates |
MunsellToRGB |
Convert a Munsell specification to RGB coordinates |
MunsellTosRGB |
Convert a Munsell specification to sRGB coordinates |
MunsellToxyY |
Convert Munsell HVC to xyY coordinates |
MunsellToXYZ |
Convert a Munsell specification to CIE XYZ coordinates |
NickersonColorDifference |
Calculate the Nickerson Color Difference between two Colors |
plotLociHC |
Plot Curves of Constant Munsell Hue and Chroma |
plotPatchesH |
Plot Colored Patches for a fixed Munsell Hue |
RGBtoMunsell |
Convert RGB coordinates to Munsell HVC |
sRGBtoMunsell |
Convert sRGB coordinates to Munsell HVC |
VfromY |
Convert Munsell Value V to Luminance Factor Y, and back again |
xyYtoMunsell |
Convert xyY coordinates to Munsell HVC |
XYZtoMunsell |
Convert XYZ coordinates to Munsell HVC |
YfromV |
Convert Munsell Value V to Luminance Factor Y, and back again |