add_summary_stats {multitool}R Documentation

Add a set of descriptive statistics to compute over a set of variables


Add a set of descriptive statistics to compute over a set of variables


add_summary_stats(.df, var_set, variables, stats)



The original data.frame(e.g., base data set). If part of set of add_* decision functions in a pipeline, the base data will be passed along as an attribute.


a character string. A name for the set of summary statistics


the variables for which you would like to compute summary statistics. You can also use tidyselect to select variables.


a character vector of stat names (e.g., c("mean","sd")). You are responsible for loading any packages that compute your preferred summary statistics. Summary statistic functions must work inside summarize.


a data.frame with three columns: type, group, and code. Type indicates the decision type, group is a decision, and the code is the actual code that will be executed. If part of a pipe, the current set of decisions will be appended as new rows.



the_data <-
    id   = 1:500,
    iv1  = rnorm(500),
    iv2  = rnorm(500),
    iv3  = rnorm(500),
    mod1 = rnorm(500),
    mod2 = rnorm(500),
    mod3 = rnorm(500),
    cov1 = rnorm(500),
    cov2 = rnorm(500),
    dv1  = rnorm(500),
    dv2  = rnorm(500),
    include1 = rbinom(500, size = 1, prob = .1),
    include2 = sample(1:3, size = 500, replace = TRUE),
    include3 = rnorm(500)

the_data |>
  add_filters(include1 == 0,include2 != 3,include2 != 2, include3 > -2.5) |>
  add_variables("ivs", iv1, iv2, iv3) |>
  add_variables("dvs", dv1, dv2) |>
  add_variables("mods", starts_with("mod")) |>
  add_preprocess(process_name = "scale_iv", 'mutate({ivs} = scale({ivs}))') |>
  add_preprocess(process_name = "scale_mod", mutate({mods} := scale({mods}))) |>
  add_summary_stats("iv_stats", starts_with("iv"), c("mean", "sd")) |>
  add_summary_stats("dv_stats", starts_with("dv"), c("skewness", "kurtosis"))

[Package multitool version 0.1.4 Index]