Algebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social Networks

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Documentation for package ‘multiplex’ version 3.1.1

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multiplex-package Algebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social Networks
as.semigroup Coerce to a Semigroup Object
as.signed Coerce to a Signed Object
as.strings Coerce an Object to a Strings Class
bundle.census Bundle Census
bundles Bundle Class Patterns
cngr Congruence Relations
comps Find components in multiple networks
cph Cumulated Person Hierarchy
decomp Decomposition of a Semigroup Structure
diagram Plot the Hasse Diagram of a set of ordered relations
diagram.levels Levels in the Lattice Diagram
dichot Dichotomize data with a cutoff value
edgel Read edge list files
edgeT Edge Table Generator
expos Network exposure for multiple networks
fact Factorisation of semigroup structures
fltr Principal filters
galois Galois derivations between subsets
green.rel Green's Relations
hierar Person and Relation Hierarchy
incA Incubator networks dataset
incB Incubator networks dataset
incC Incubator networks dataset
incD Incubator networks dataset
incubA Incubator networks dataset
incubB Incubator networks dataset
incubC Incubator networks dataset
incubD Incubator networks dataset
incubs Incubator networks dataset
mlvl Construct multilevel networks
mnplx Make a multiple network as monoplex structure
neighb Neighborhood of an actor or group of actors
pacnet Read Output from Pacnet
partial.order The Partial Order of String relations or of Galois derivations
perm Array Permutation
pfvn Pathfinder valued network and triangle inequality
pi.rels pi-Relations
prev Preview of the Semigroup Construction
rbox Construct the Relation-Box
read.dl Read 'dl' Files
read.gml Read 'gml' Files Read edge list files
reduc Reduce a matrix or array
rel.sys Relational System
rm.isol Remove Isolates
semigroup Constructing the Semigroup of Relations
semiring Semiring Structures for Balance Theory
signed Signed Network
strings Strings of Relations
summaryBundles Summary of Bundle Classes
transf Transform Data from/to Matrix/List Formats
wordT The Word Table of Relations
write.dat Write 'dat' Files
write.dl Write 'dl' Files
write.edgel Write edge list files
write.gml Write 'gml' Files Write edge list files
zbind Combine Arrays