count_binom {multinomineq}R Documentation

Count How Many Samples Satisfy Linear Inequalities (Binomial)


Draws prior/posterior samples for product-binomial data and counts how many samples are inside the convex polytope defined by (1) the inequalities A*x <= b or (2) the convex hull over the vertices V.


  prior = c(1, 1),
  M = 10000,
  cmin = 0,
  maxiter = 500,
  burnin = 5,
  progress = TRUE,
  cpu = 1



vector of observed response frequencies.


the number of choices per item type. If k=n=0, Bayesian inference is relies on the prior distribution only.


a matrix with one row for each linear inequality constraint and one column for each of the free parameters. The parameter space is defined as all probabilities x that fulfill the order constraints A*x <= b.


a vector of the same length as the number of rows of A.


a matrix of vertices (one per row) that define the polytope of admissible parameters as the convex hull over these points (if provided, A and b are ignored). Similar as for A, columns of V omit the last value for each multinomial condition (e.g., a1,a2,a3,b1,b2 becomes a1,a2,b1). Note that this method is comparatively slow since it solves linear-programming problems to test whether a point is inside a polytope (Fukuda, 2004) or to run the Gibbs sampler.


optional: numeric vector of the same length as k with integers mapping the frequencies k to the free parameters/columns of A/V, thereby allowing for equality constraints (e.g., map=c(1,1,2,2)). Reversed probabilities 1-p are coded by negative integers. Guessing probabilities of .50 are encoded by zeros. The default assumes different parameters for each item type: map=1:ncol(A)


a vector with two positive numbers defining the shape parameters of the beta prior distributions for each binomial rate parameter.


number of posterior samples drawn from the encompassing model


an integer vector that indicates the row numbers at which the matrix A is split for a stepwise computation of the Bayes factor (see details). M can be a vector with the number of samples drawn in each step from the (partially) order-constrained models using Gibbs sampling. If cmin>0, samples are drawn for each step until count[i]>=cmin.


only relevant if steps is defined or cmin>0: a vector with starting values in the interior of the polytope. If missing, an approximate maximum-likelihood estimate is used.


if cmin>0: minimum number of counts per step in the automatic stepwise procedure. If steps is not defined, steps=c(1,2,3,4,...) by default.


if cmin>0: maximum number of sampling runs in the automatic stepwise procedure.


number of burnin samples per step that are discarded. Since the maximum-likelihood estimate is used as a start value (which is updated for each step in the stepwise procedure in count_multinom), the burnin number can be smaller than in other MCMC applications.


whether a progress bar should be shown (if cpu=1).


either the number of CPUs used for parallel sampling, or a parallel cluster (e.g., cl <- parallel::makeCluster(3)). All arguments of the function call are passed directly to each core, and thus the total number of samples is M*number_cpu.


Counts the number of random samples drawn from beta distributions that satisfy the convex, linear-inequalitiy constraints. The function is useful to compute the encompassing Bayes factor for testing inequality-constrained models (see bf_binom; Hojtink, 2011).

The stepwise computation of the Bayes factor proceeds as follows: If the steps are defined as steps=c(5,10), the BF is computed in three steps by comparing: (1) Unconstrained model vs. inequalities in A[1:5,]; (2) use posterior based on inequalities in A[1:5,] and check inequalities A[6:10,]; (3) sample from A[1:10,] and check inequalities in A[11:nrow(A),] (i.e., all inequalities).


a matrix with the columns

with the attributes:


Hoijtink, H. (2011). Informative Hypotheses: Theory and Practice for Behavioral and Social Scientists. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.

Fukuda, K. (2004). Is there an efficient way of determining whether a given point q is in the convex hull of a given finite set S of points in Rd? Retrieved from

See Also

bf_binom, count_multinom


### a set of linear order constraints:
### x1 < x2 < .... < x6 < .50
A <- matrix(
    1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
  ncol = 6, byrow = TRUE
b <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .50)

### check whether a specific vector is inside the polytope:
A %*% c(.05, .1, .12, .16, .19, .23) <= b

### observed frequencies and number of observations:
k <- c(0, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7)
n <- rep(10, 6)

### count prior samples and compare to analytical result
prior <- count_binom(0, 0, A, b, M = 5000, steps = 1:4)
prior # to get the proportion: attr(prior, "proportion")
(.50)^6 / factorial(6)

### count posterior samples + get Bayes factor
posterior <- count_binom(k, n, A, b, M = 2000, steps = 1:4)
count_to_bf(posterior, prior)

### automatic stepwise algorithm
prior <- count_binom(0, 0, A, b, M = 500, cmin = 200)
posterior <- count_binom(k, n, A, b, M = 500, cmin = 200)
count_to_bf(posterior, prior)

[Package multinomineq version 0.2.6 Index]