binom_to_multinom {multinomineq}R Documentation

Converts Binary to Multinomial Frequencies


Converts the number of "hits" in the binary choice format to the observed frequencies across for all response categories (i.e., the multinomial format).


binom_to_multinom(k, n)



vector of observed response frequencies.


the number of choices per item type. If k=n=0, Bayesian inference is relies on the prior distribution only.


In multinomineq, binary choice frequencies are represented by the number of "hits" for each item type/condition (the vector k) and by the total number of responses per item type/condition (the scalar or vector n).

In the multinomial format, the vector k includes all response categories (not only the number of "hits"). This requires to define a vector options, which indicates how many categories belong to one item type/condition (since the total number of responses per item type is fixed).


k <- c(1, 5, 8, 10)
n <- 10
binom_to_multinom(k, n)

[Package multinomineq version 0.2.6 Index]