Clustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates

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Documentation for package ‘multinomialLogitMix’ version 1.1

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multinomialLogitMix-package Clustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates
dealWithLabelSwitching Post-process the generated MCMC sample in order to undo possible label switching.
expected_complete_LL Expected complete LL
gibbs_mala_sampler The core of the Hybrid Gibbs/MALA MCMC sampler for the multinomial logit mixture.
gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt Prior parallel tempering scheme of hybrid Gibbs/MALA MCMC samplers for the multinomial logit mixture.
log_dirichlet_pdf Log-density function of the Dirichlet distribution
log_mix_prior_derivative Proposal mechanism of the MALA step.
log_prior_mix Proposal mechanism of the MALA step.
mala_proposal Proposal mechanism of the MALA step.
mala_proposal_cpp Proposal mechanism of the MALA step.
mixLoglikelihood_GLM Log-likelihood of the multinomial logit.
mix_mnm_logistic EM algorithm
multinomialLogitMix Main function
multinomial_logistic_EM Part of the EM algorithm for multinomial logit mixture
myDirichlet Simulate from the Dirichlet distribution
newton_raphson_mstep M-step of the EM algorithm
shakeEM_GLM Shake-small EM
simulate_multinomial_data Synthetic data generator
splitEM_GLM Split-small EM scheme.