multiness_fit {multiness} | R Documentation |
Fit the MultiNeSS model
fits the Gaussian or logistic MultiNeSS model
with various options for parameter tuning.
A |
An n×n×m array containing edge entries for
an undirected multiplex network on n nodes and m layers.
model |
A string which provides choice of model,
either 'gaussian' or 'logistic' . Defaults to 'gaussian' .
self_loops |
A Boolean, if FALSE , all diagonal entries are ignored in
optimization. Defaults to TRUE .
refit |
A Boolean, if TRUE , a refitting step is performed to
debias the eigenvalues of the estimates. Defaults to TRUE .
tuning |
A string which provides the tuning method, valid options are
'fixed' , 'adaptive' , or 'cv' . Defaults to 'adaptive' .
tuning_opts |
A list, containing additional optional arguments controlling
parameter tuning. The arguments used depends on the choice of tuning method.
If tuning='fixed' , multiness_fit will utilize the following
- lambda
A positive scalar,
the λ parameter in the nuclear norm penalty, see Details.
Defaults to 2.309 * sqrt(n*m) .
- alpha
A positive scalar or numeric vector of length m , the parameters αk in the
nuclear norm penalty, see Details. If a scalar is provided all αk parameters are set to that
value. Defaults to 1/sqrt(m)
If tuning='adaptive' , multiness_fit will utilize the following
- layer_wise
A Boolean, if TRUE , the entry-wise variance
is estimated individually for each layer. Otherwise the estimates are
pooled. Defaults to TRUE .
- penalty_const
A positive scalar C which scales the
penalty parameters (see Details).
Defaults to 2.309 .
- penalty_const_lambda
A positive scalar c which scales only the λ
penalty parameter (see Details).
Defaults to 1 .
If tuning='cv' , multiness_fit will utilize the following
- layer_wise
A Boolean, if TRUE , the entry-wise variance
is estimated individually for each layer. Otherwise the estimates are
pooled. Defaults to TRUE .
- N_cv
A positive integer, the number of repetitions of edge
cross-validation performed for each parameter setting. Defaults to 3 .
- p_cv
A positive scalar in the interval (0,1), the proportion
of edge entries held out in edge cross-validation. Defaults to 0.1 .
- penalty_const_lambda
A positive scalar c which scales only the λ
penalty parameter (see Details).
Defaults to 1 .
- penalty_const_vec
A numeric vector with positive entries, the candidate
values of constant C to scale the penalty parameters (see Details).
An optimal constant is chosen by edge cross-validation. Defaults to
c(1,1.5,...,3.5,4) .
- refit_cv
A Boolean, if TRUE , a refitting step is
performed when fitting the model for edge cross-validation. Defaults
- verbose_cv
A Boolean, if TRUE , console output will
provide updates on the progress of edge cross-validation. Defaults
to FALSE .
optim_opts |
A list, containing additional optional arguments controlling
the proximal gradient descent algorithm.
- check_obj
A Boolean, if TRUE , convergence is determined
by checking the decrease in the objective. Otherwise it is determined by
checking the average entry-wise difference in consecutive values of F .
Defaults to TRUE .
- eig_maxitr
A positive integer, maximum iterations for internal
eigenvalue solver. Defaults to 1000 .
- eig_prec
A positive scalar, estimated eigenvalues below this
threshold are set to zero. Defaults to 1e-2 .
- eps
A positive scalar, convergence threshold for proximal gradient
descent. Defaults to 1e-6 .
- eta
A positive scalar, step size for proximal gradient descent.
Defaults to 1 for the Gaussian model, 5 for the logistic
- init
A string, initialization method. Valid options are
'fix' (using initializers optim_opts$V_init and
optim_opts$U_init ), 'zero' (initialize all parameters at zero),
or 'svd' (initialize with a truncated SVD with rank optim_opts$init_rank ).
Defaults to 'zero' .
- K_max
A positive integer, maximum iterations for proximal gradient
descent. Defaults to 100 .
- max_rank
A positive integer, maximum rank for internal eigenvalue
solver. Defaults to sqrt(n) .
- missing_pattern
An n×n×m Boolean array with TRUE
for each observed entry and FALSE for missing entries. If unspecified, it
is set to ! .
- positive
A Boolean, if TRUE , singular value thresholding only retains
positive eigenvalues. Defaults to FALSE .
- return_posns
A Boolean, if TRUE , returns estimates
of the latent positions based on ASE. Defaults to FALSE .
- verbose
A Boolean, if TRUE , console output will provide
updates on the progress of proximal gradient descent. Defaults to
A MultiNeSS model is fit to an n×n×m
array A
symmetric adjacency matrices on a common set of nodes. Fitting
proceeds by convex proximal gradient descent on the entries of
and Gk=UkUkT
, see
MacDonald et al., (2020),
Section 3.2. Additional optional arguments for
the gradient descent routine can be provided in optim_opts
provides an option
to perform an additional refitting step to debias the eigenvalues
of the estimates, see
MacDonald et al., (2020), Section 3.3.
By default, multiness_fit
will return estimates of the matrices
and Gk
. optim_opts$return_posns
provides an option
to instead return estimates of latent positions V
and Uk
based on the adjacency spectral embedding (if such a factorization exists).
Tuning parameters λ
and αk
in the nuclear norm penalty
are either set by the
user (tuning='fixed'
), selected adaptively using a
robust estimator of the
entry-wise variance (tuning='adaptive'
), or
selected using edge cross-validation (tuning='cv'
). For more details
see MacDonald et al., (2020),
Section 3.4. Additional optional arguments for parameter tuning
can be provided in tuning_opts
A list is returned with the MultiNeSS model estimates, dimensions of
the common and individual latent spaces, and some additional optimization
F_hat |
An n×n matrix estimating the common part of the expected
adjacency matrix, F=VVT . If optim_opts$return_posns
is TRUE , this is not returned.
G_hat |
A list of length m , the collection of n×n matrices
estimating the individual part of each adjacency matrix, Gk=UkUkT .
If optim_opts$return_posns
is TRUE , this is not returned.
V_hat |
A matrix estimating the common latent positions.
Returned if optim_opts$return_posns is TRUE .
U_hat |
A list of length m , the collection of matrices
estimating the individual latent positions.
Returned if optim_opts$return_posns is TRUE .
d1 |
A non-negative integer, the estimated common dimension of the
latent space.
d2 |
An integer vector of length m , the estimated individual
dimension of the latent space for each layer.
K |
A positive integer, the number of iterations run in proximal
gradient descent.
convergence |
An integer convergence code, 0 if proximal
gradient descent converged in fewer than optim_opts$K_max iterations,
1 otherwise.
lambda |
A positive scalar, the tuned λ
penalty parameter (see Details).
alpha |
A numeric vector of length m , the tuned α penalty parameters
(see Details).
# gaussian model data
data1 <- multiness_sim(n=100,m=4,d1=2,d2=2,
# multiness_fit with fixed tuning
fit1 <- multiness_fit(A=data1$A,
# multiness_fit with adaptive tuning
fit2 <- multiness_fit(A=data1$A,
# logistic model data
data2 <- multiness_sim(n=100,m=4,d1=2,d2=2,
# multiness_fit with cv tuning
fit3 <- multiness_fit(A=data2$A,
multiness version 1.0.2