Mode Testing and Exploring

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Documentation for package ‘multimode’ version 1.5

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multimode-package Mode testing and exploring.
acidity Acid-neutralizing capacity
bw.crit Critical bandwidth
chondrite Percentage of silica in chondrite meteors
chondritegg Percentage of silica in chondrite meteors
chondritel Percentage of silica in chondrite meteors
enzyme Blood enzymatic activity
excessmass Excess mass
galaxy Velocities of galaxies diverging away from our own galaxy
galaxyp Velocities of galaxies diverging away from our own galaxy
galaxyrg Velocities of galaxies diverging away from our own galaxy
geyser Waiting time between geyser eruptions
geyserab Waiting time between geyser eruptions
geyserh Waiting time between geyser eruptions
geyserw Waiting time between geyser eruptions
locmodes Location of modes and antimodes
modeforest Mode forest
modetest Test for the number of modes
modetree Mode tree
multimode Mode testing and exploring.
nmodes Number of modes
plot.gtmod Plot, print and summarize a '"gtmod"' object
plot.locmod Location of modes and antimodes
print.gtmod Plot, print and summarize a '"gtmod"' object
print.locmod Location of modes and antimodes
sizer SIgnificant ZERo crossing
stamps Stamps thickness
stamps1 Stamps thickness
stamps2 Stamps thickness
stampstable Stamps thickness
summary.gtmod Plot, print and summarize a '"gtmod"' object