simdataCJS {multimark}R Documentation

Simulate open population capture-mark-recapture data arising from multiple non-invasive marks


This function generates encounter histories from simulated open population capture-mark-recapture data consisting of multiple non-invasive marks.


  N = 100,
  noccas = 5,
  pbeta = -0.25,
  sigma2_zp = 0,
  phibeta = 1.6,
  sigma2_zphi = 0,
  delta_1 = 0.4,
  delta_2 = 0.4,
  alpha = 0.5,
  data.type = "never",
  link = "probit"



Number of individuals.


Number of sampling occasions. floor(N/noccas) individuals are first encountered on each occasion.


Logit- or probit-scale intercept term(s) for capture probability (p). Must be a scaler or vector of length noccas.


Logit- or probit-scale individual heterogeneity variance term for capture probability (p).


Logit- or probit-scale intercept term(s) for survival probability (ϕ\phi). Must be a scaler or vector of length noccas.


Logit- or probit-scale individual heterogeneity variance term for survival probability (ϕ\phi).


Conditional probability of type 1 encounter, given detection.


Conditional probability of type 2 encounter, given detection.


Conditional probability of simultaneous type 1 and type 2 detection, given both types encountered. Only applies when data.type="sometimes".


Specifies the encounter history data type. All data types include non-detections (type 0 encounter), type 1 encounter (e.g., left-side), and type 2 encounters (e.g., right-side). When both type 1 and type 2 encounters occur for the same individual within a sampling occasion, these can either be "non-simultaneous" (type 3 encounter) or "simultaneous" (type 4 encounter). Three data types are currently permitted:

data.type="never" indicates both type 1 and type 2 encounters are never observed for the same individual within a sampling occasion, and observed encounter histories therefore include only type 1 or type 2 encounters (e.g., only left- and right-sided photographs were collected). Observed encounter histories can consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), and type 2 encounters (2). See bobcat. Latent encounter histories consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), type 2 encounters (2), and type 3 encounters (3).

data.type="sometimes" indicates both type 1 and type 2 encounters are sometimes observed (e.g., both-sided photographs are sometimes obtained, but not necessarily for all individuals). Observed encounter histories can consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), type 2 encounters (2), type 3 encounters (3), and type 4 encounters (4). Type 3 encounters can only be observed when an individual has at least one type 4 encounter. Latent encounter histories consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), type 2 encounters (2), type 3 encounters (3), and type 4 encounters (4).

data.type="always" indicates both type 1 and type 2 encounters are always observed, but some encounter histories may still include only type 1 or type 2 encounters. Observed encounter histories can consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), type 2 encounters (2), and type 4 encounters (4). Latent encounter histories consist of non-detections (0), type 1 encounters (1), type 2 encounters (2), and type 4 encounters (4).


Link function for detection probability. Must be "logit" or "probit". Note that multimarkCJS is currently implemented for the probit link only.


A list containing the following:


A matrix containing the observed encounter histories with rows corresponding to individuals and columns corresponding to sampling occasions.


A matrix containing the true (latent) encounter histories with rows corresponding to individuals and columns corresponding to sampling occasions.


Brett T. McClintock


Bonner, S. J., and Holmberg J. 2013. Mark-recapture with multiple, non-invasive marks. Biometrics 69: 766-775.

McClintock, B. T., Conn, P. B., Alonso, R. S., and Crooks, K. R. 2013. Integrated modeling of bilateral photo-identification data in mark-recapture analyses. Ecology 94: 1464-1471.

See Also

processdata, multimarkCJS


#simulate data for data.type="sometimes" using defaults

[Package multimark version 2.1.6 Index]