Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘multilevelPSA’ version 1.2.5

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multilevelPSA-package Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis
align.plots Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is related to an experimental mlpsa plot that will combine the circular plot along with the two individual distributions. Returns the overall effects as a data frame.
covariate.balance Estimate covariate effect sizes before and after propensity score adjustment.
covariateBalance Calculate covariate effect size differences before and after stratification.
cv.trans.psa Transformation of Factors to Individual Levels
difftable.plot This function produces a ggplot2 figure containing the mean differences for each level two, or cluster.
getPropensityScores Returns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the level 2 variable and the fitted value from the logistic regression.
getStrata Returns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the level 2 variable and the leaves from the conditional inference trees.
is.mlpsa Returns true if the object is of type 'mlpsa'
loess.plot Loess plot with density distributions for propensity scores and outcomes on top and right, respectively.
lsos Nicer list of objects in memory. Particularly useful for analysis of large data. <#%20>
missing.plot Returns a heat map graphic representing missingness of variables grouped by the given grouping vector.
mlpsa This function will perform phase II of the multilevel propensity score analysis.
mlpsa.circ.plot Plots the results of a multilevel propensity score model.
mlpsa.ctree Estimates propensity scores using the recursive partitioning in a conditional inference framework.
mlpsa.difference.plot Creates a graphic summarizing the differences between treatment and comparison groups within and across level two clusters.
mlpsa.distribution.plot Plots distribution for either the treatment or comparison group.
mlpsa.logistic Estimates propensity scores using logistic regression.
multilevelPSA Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis
pisa.colnames Mapping of variables in 'pisana' with full descriptions.
pisa.countries Data frame mapping PISA countries to their three letter abbreviation.
pisa.psa.cols Character vector representing the list of covariates used for estimating propensity scores.
pisana North American (i.e. Canada, Mexico, and United States) student results of the 2009 Programme of International Student Assessment.
plot.covariate.balance Multiple covariate balance assessment plot.
plot.mlpsa Plots the results of a multilevel propensity score model.
plot.psrange Plots densities and ranges for the propensity scores.
print.covariate.balance Prints the overall effects before and after propensity score adjustment.
print.mlpsa Prints basic information about a 'mlpsa' class.
print.psrange Prints information about a psrange result.
print.xmlpsa Prints the results of 'mlpsa' and 'xtable.mlpsa'.
psrange Estimates models with increasing number of comparison subjects starting from 1:1 to using all available comparison group subjects.
summary.mlpsa Provides a summary of a 'mlpsa' class.
summary.psrange Prints the summary results of psrange.
tree.plot Heat map representing variables used in a conditional inference tree across level 2 variables.
xtable.mlpsa Prints the results of 'mlpsa' as a LaTeX table.