multilevelPSA-package |
Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis |
align.plots |
Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is related to an experimental mlpsa plot that will combine the circular plot along with the two individual distributions. | |
Returns the overall effects as a data frame. |
covariate.balance |
Estimate covariate effect sizes before and after propensity score adjustment. |
covariateBalance |
Calculate covariate effect size differences before and after stratification. |
cv.trans.psa |
Transformation of Factors to Individual Levels |
difftable.plot |
This function produces a ggplot2 figure containing the mean differences for each level two, or cluster. |
getPropensityScores |
Returns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the level 2 variable and the fitted value from the logistic regression. |
getStrata |
Returns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the level 2 variable and the leaves from the conditional inference trees. |
is.mlpsa |
Returns true if the object is of type 'mlpsa' |
loess.plot |
Loess plot with density distributions for propensity scores and outcomes on top and right, respectively. |
lsos |
Nicer list of objects in memory. Particularly useful for analysis of large data. <#%20> |
missing.plot |
Returns a heat map graphic representing missingness of variables grouped by the given grouping vector. |
mlpsa |
This function will perform phase II of the multilevel propensity score analysis. |
mlpsa.circ.plot |
Plots the results of a multilevel propensity score model. |
mlpsa.ctree |
Estimates propensity scores using the recursive partitioning in a conditional inference framework. |
mlpsa.difference.plot |
Creates a graphic summarizing the differences between treatment and comparison groups within and across level two clusters. |
mlpsa.distribution.plot |
Plots distribution for either the treatment or comparison group. |
mlpsa.logistic |
Estimates propensity scores using logistic regression. |
multilevelPSA |
Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis |
pisa.colnames |
Mapping of variables in 'pisana' with full descriptions. |
pisa.countries |
Data frame mapping PISA countries to their three letter abbreviation. |
pisa.psa.cols |
Character vector representing the list of covariates used for estimating propensity scores. |
pisana |
North American (i.e. Canada, Mexico, and United States) student results of the 2009 Programme of International Student Assessment. |
plot.covariate.balance |
Multiple covariate balance assessment plot. |
plot.mlpsa |
Plots the results of a multilevel propensity score model. |
plot.psrange |
Plots densities and ranges for the propensity scores. |
print.covariate.balance |
Prints the overall effects before and after propensity score adjustment. |
print.mlpsa |
Prints basic information about a 'mlpsa' class. |
print.psrange |
Prints information about a psrange result. |
print.xmlpsa |
Prints the results of 'mlpsa' and 'xtable.mlpsa'. |
psrange |
Estimates models with increasing number of comparison subjects starting from 1:1 to using all available comparison group subjects. |
summary.mlpsa |
Provides a summary of a 'mlpsa' class. |
summary.psrange |
Prints the summary results of psrange. |
tree.plot |
Heat map representing variables used in a conditional inference tree across level 2 variables. |
xtable.mlpsa |
Prints the results of 'mlpsa' as a LaTeX table. |