multilaterals {multilaterals}R Documentation

Transitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and Panel Data


Computing transitive (and non-transitive) index numbers (Coelli et al., 2005 <doi:10.1007/b136381>) for cross-sections and panel data. For the calculation of transitive indexes, the EKS (Coelli et al., 2005 <doi:10.1007/b136381>; Rao et al., 2002 <doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-0851-9_4>) and Minimum spanning tree (Hill, 2004 <doi:10.1257/0002828043052178>) methods are implemented. Traditional fixed-base and chained indexes, and their growth rates, can also be derived using the Paasche, Laspeyres, Fisher and Tornqvist formulas.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.

Index of help topics:

I_nt                    Matrix of bilateral Fisher fixed-base
billy_inp_p             Billy's Bus Company Data: Inputs Prices
billy_inp_q             Billy's Bus Company Data: Inputs Quantities
billy_out_p             Billy's Bus Company Data: Outputs Prices
billy_out_q             Billy's Bus Company Data: Outputs Quantities
chaining                Generate chained index numbers
dat.p                   Transitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated
                        Regional Data on Labor Inputs Prices
dat.q                   Transitive Indexes in Panel Data: Simulated
                        Regional Data on Labor Inputs Quantities
eks                     eks: transforming a non-transitive index number
                        matrix into a transitive one
growth                  Compute growth rates of indexes
indexes                 indexes: create fixed-base or chained index
multicomp               multicomp
multicompPAR            multicompPAR
multilateral            multilateral: generate transitive index numbers
                        for cross-sections and panel data
multilaterals           Transitive Index Numbers for Cross-Sections and
                        Panel Data
rail_out_p              Australian National Railways Data: Output
rail_out_q              Australian National Railways Data: Output


Edoardo Baldoni

Maintainer: Edoardo Baldoni <>


T. J. Coelli, D. S. Prasada Rao, C. J. O'Donnel, and G. E. Battese. An introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, 2nd edition. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2005.

R. J. Hill. Constructing price indexes across space and time: The case of the European Union. The American Economic Review, 94(5):1379-1410, 2004.

Rao D.S.P., O'Donnell C.J., Ball V.E., 2002. Transitive Multilateral Comparisons of Agricultural Output, Input, and Productivity: A Nonparametric Approach. In: Ball V.E., Norton G.W. Agricultural Productivity. Studies in Productivity and Efficiency, vol 2. Springer, Boston, MA.



## From 'An introduction to Efficiency and
##  Productivity Analysis' (Coelli et al., 2005), page 124-126.
inputIndx = multilateral(data.x=billy_inp_q,data.y=billy_inp_p,var.agg='year',
 idx='fisher',PAR=FALSE,transitivity='eks',bench=2000,period=NULL )
outputIndx = multilateral(data.x=billy_out_q,data.y=billy_out_p, var.agg='year',
 PAR=FALSE,transitivity='mst',bench=2000,period=NULL )
tfpIndx = outputIndx/inputIndx

[Package multilaterals version 1.0 Index]